Similar words: administering, admire, admired, admirable, admiration, tiring, firing, aspiring. Meaning: [əd'maɪə]
adj. showing or feeling admiration.
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1. I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic.
2. We stood for a few moments, admiring the view.
3. I've just been admiring your new car.
4. He was admiring my new car.
5. I was admiring the cathedral's stained-glass windows.
6. She was used to receiving admiring glances from men.
7. I prowled around the lake admiring the beautiful scenery.
8. Their vintage car attracted admiring glances wherever they went.
9. He cast her an admiring glance.
10. I was just admiring your jacket, Delia.
11. She always has an entourage of admiring young men.
11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
12. He was busy admiring himself in the wardrobe mirror.
13. She was surrounded by a group of admiring photographers.
14. They meandered around the old town admiring the architecture.
15. Annette was getting lots of admiring looks/glances in her new red dress.
16. I was just admiring the detail in the doll's house - even the tins of food have labels on them.
17. Although I can't help admiring the man's courage, I do not approve of his methods.
18. Children admiring Living World stick insects.
19. I was just admiring your lovely garden.
20. But you can't help admiring the chutzpah.
21. Newspapers local, regional and international write admiring articles.
22. He arched his instep, admiring a blue vein.
23. I couldn't help admiring Billy Smart's forward planning.
24. Susan sketched a little while he stood admiring by.
25. Only the men would sneak glances at her(, admiring the shapely figure showing in the plain uniform.
26. Now Helen, loving and admiring him, had given him the confidence he needed to be happy.
27. Force Gill has two fine waterfalls which would earn an admiring patronage if they were better known.
28. But it was the Triumphal Arch at the end of the reflecting pool that drew the most admiring exclamations.
29. The south-facing terrace is perfect for enjoying early morning coffee, evening cocktails or just admiring the scenery.
30. All the same Richard was aware that more than one young man cast admiring glances in her direction.
More similar words: administering, admire, admired, admirable, admiration, tiring, firing, aspiring, inspiring, perspiring, admit, admin, admit to, admitted, admission, badminton, administer, admittance, admissible, readmission, administrator, administrative, administration, aspirin, small business administration, social security administration, upbringing, ring finger, lingering, ringing.