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Prefix in a sentence

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Sentence count:148+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-14Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: suffixSimilar words: refillrefinedfirefighterpreferpreferredpreferablepreferencepreferentialMeaning: [‚prɪ'fɪks]  n. an affix that is added in front of the word. v. attach a prefix to. 
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1. Car insurance policies have the prefix MC .
2. Un- is a productive prefix.
3. To telephone from the US use the prefix 011 33 before the numbers given here.
4. The prefix mono is often dropped.
5. Following pruning, the prefix with the consequent highest likelihood is expanded, producing a new prefix.
6. The various lines of dancers took the prefix of the cinema building they were appearing in.
7. Prefix changes Telephone customers with these prefixes have been switched to the new 760 area code.
8. Answer: a. Why: Use hyphens with a prefix and a proper noun.
9. These include code reduction functions, prefix and suffix operations,[] scatter operations and data sorting.
10. Fill in each blank with a proper negative prefix.
11. The prefix must not contain a tab character.
12. The third prefix locates top left corner.
13. Display the current shared library prefix.
14. MIL Prefix designation for U. S Military Specifications.
15. This is the prefix version of the decrement operator.
16. The first form is a prefix increment operation.
17. The work kilo is often used as a prefix.
18. Explain the difference between prefix and postfix increment.
19. The default prefix used is EXPR.
20. Options: Interval, delay, replacement character, prefix,( debug mode.
21. Lisp uses the distinct S-expressions or prefix notation.
22. The first form is a prefix decrement operation.
23. Generates an alternate prefix for the attribute.
24. Prefix Label in an Editor Window.
25. The combined length of message plus prefix can be at most 254 characters. The prefix must not contain a tab character.
26. The ANCC shall encode the company prefix in accordance with relevant state standard.
27. In the word " unimportant " , " un - " is a prefix.
28. Confusion is avoided by using the term luminescence, and specifying the activating energy as a descriptive prefix.
29. He will be astounded by the place names beginning with the three letters of each prefix.
30. So long as the correct conditions are satisfied any currency can be used with the prefix Euro.
More similar words: refillrefinedfirefighterpreferpreferredpreferablepreferencepreferentialfix upfixedfixityfixturedefiledefinebenefitdeficitdefiantdefiancedefinitedefinabledefinitelydefinitivedefinitionbeneficialreformcare forreferrefusebenefit frombeneficiary
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