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Predatory in a sentence

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Sentence count:119+2Posted:2016-11-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: predatoraleatorymigratorycrematorydefamatorylaboratoryregulatoryconciliatoryMeaning: ['predətɔrɪ /-trɪ]  adj. 1. characterized by plundering or pillaging or marauding 2. living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey 3. living by or given to victimizing others for personal gain. 
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61 When we speak of black panthers, the others think of predatory animals. We, however, think of the untamed dangerousness of architecture.
62 This zone shows the fragile relationship between predators and prey. Large predatory sharks, rays and giant groupers live alongside schools of fish and bottom-dwelling animals.
63 Any of numerous active, brightly colored, predatory beetles of the family Cicindelidae, chiefly of warm, sandy regions, having large jaws and sluggish larvae that live in vertical burrows.
64 Danger, in the form of several species of large, predatory sharks,[sentencedict .com] lurks in the deeper waters of the dolphins' home range .
65 The earthbound larvae from which they develop are less pretty, but just as predatory.
66 The results showed that Erigonidium graminicola and Theridium octomaculatum were the most important predatory enemies of both egg and larva of Pieris rapae in autumn cabbage fields.
67 Whirlpools of small, metallic blue fish; barracuda, gliding like silver submarines; occasionally, a lone predatory shark.
68 New Zealand fur seals swim warily above a great white shark, the largest predatory fish in the seas.
69 Total trend presented that the effluence of the same herbicides on ground community was more than that on plant, and phytophagous arthropod sub-community was more than that of predatory sub-community.
70 Predatory miridae, natural enemy of insect pests, are economically and ecologically important in agriculture and forest pest control.
71 Both Intesa and Sanpaolo managed to outmanoeuvre big, predatory shareholders to join forces.
72 And the diversity of predatory arthropod was higher than that of resistant variety rice.
73 With direct observation and stomach dissection, this paper studied the predatory behavior and meal habit of Lacerta vivipara.
74 And then we do the crawl in a predatory manner again, watching for trout below---moving like a tiger in our mind's eye, forepaws padding up and down.
75 In addition, the present paper also indicated that the morphology and distribution of the oropharyngeal cavity gustatory organ of C. semilaevi are adaptations to its predatory feeding habit.
76 This article discusses affirming methods of predatory pricing and its application after discussing its conception, existence and its external performance forms similar to normal competition.
77 Such an overtly predatory approach to the human resources of often less developed countries is unacceptable, particularly as they have been trained at no cost to the receiving country's taxpayers.
78 Oh, and the Bush administration actively blocked state governments when they tried to protect families against predatory lending.
79 Streep has the basilisk stare; the tilted, faintly predatory posture.
80 A recent government crackdown on predatory lending in the coastal city has upended a flourishing market: borrowing on margin to buy and then resell copper.
81 The species number of phytophagous , predatory, parasitic and spider groups was 30,8,10 and 20 respectively.
82 It, s a continuation which terrified in another way of the sacker : Attack from the predatory loaner!
83 Besides, Anti-Porn filters out internet material by blocking some predatory word, and you can predefine special words, then, children can not see any internet material with those words.
84 Campylomma chinensis Schuh is a predatory mirid bug and is very common in Southern China.
85 In this study, CHD gene intron sequences of 18 species of predatory birds were compared and analyzed.
86 However, this kind of predatory policy operated against the natural law of economic development , and against people's principal of survival, and ended in failure at last.
87 "They are huge predatory frogs that sit and wait for animals to pass by, " said Dan Garrick, senior tropical house keeper at Newquay Zoo.
88 Especially, the populations of predatory arthropod common species were mostly affected by the use of Lindane.
89 Most of them are phytophagous insects and important pests in agriculture and forest; others are predatory insects and are insect enemy and potential resources for biocontrol.
90 Sam's interest tends towards the reputedly'ugly'and predatory side of the sea.
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