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Pose in a sentence

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Sentence count:214+12Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bearingcarriagepositionposturepretenseSimilar words: exposeimposesupposecomposeopposeopposedproposeproposedMeaning: [pəʊz]  n. 1. affected manners intended to impress others 2. a posture assumed by models for photographic or artistic purposes 3. a deliberate pretense or exaggerated display. v. 1. introduce 2. assume a posture as for artistic purposes 3. pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions 4. behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others 5. put into a certain place or abstract location 6. be a mystery or bewildering to. 
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61, Moreover, sunken waste containers could pose a serious threat over time as they begin to leak.
62, For example, Frankfurt could pose a real challenge to London as a financial centre for the futures markets.
63, Sitting in the high-ceilinged library of his comfortable flat, he looks the part: bespectacled, a man of thoughtful pose.
64, It will be a 90-minute meeting in which members of the audience will pose questions to the candidates.
65, Their mutual self - supporting pose is continuously almost - falling , like a standing wave in a spring creek.
66, Some fear that substances used in the process remain in the beans and could pose a health threat.
67, On one occasion she agreed to pose for photographs on the condition that she would then be left alone.
68, For example, the modelling of the corporate sector, particularly allowing for imperfect competition, is likely to pose formidable problems.
69, Grown men and women pose for pictures with a guy dressed as a giant pillow.
70, What will happen to the smiling pose of Miss World when she comes down with a cold?
71, Up and down hill fences pose problems for the horse by placing a premium on balance and impulsion.
72, Two young men in their late teens mugged for the camera, adopting the pose of a couple of affable tough guys.
73, The bride and groom pose for photographs to be taken by the official photographer and relatives who have brought their cameras.
74, To be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up. Oscar Wilde 
75, I'd like to see indeterminate sentencing, so we can look at the risk they pose before we release them.
76, Nevertheless, she was a handsome woman and very competent and Modi persuaded her to pose for him nude.
77, Throughout his treatise Pope maintains the pose of the poker-faced instructor.
78, The newcomers can pose a threat to biodiversity by altering ecosystems.
79, We had major novelty value - it's strange enough for a foreigner to visit the area let alone pose in a raft.
80, The bill would pose too much danger to national forests and other public lands, she said.
81, She does a little pose, having worn a real party dress.
82, The contamination does not pose any immediate public health threat because none of the seed has been planted.
83, Surely Harrison would have insisted on having it pose with him.
84, School buildings have deteriorated to the point where they pose a health threat to both students and teachers.
85, It dramatized the challenge of trying to pose as a progressive leader while maintaining a profiteering[ ], corrupt political organization.
86, Prosecutors determine the degree of threat offenders pose to the community and label them either high-risk, moderate-risk or low-risk.
87, The impetus fur any step, pose or gesture should be part of the overall rhythm of the ballet.
88, In the end, however, these drugs pose logistical difficulties for most poor countries because it is a high-maintenance therapy.
89, The preceding discussion suggests that the operation of Keynesian fiscal policy should pose few problems.
90, For this reason fears have been expressed that rising house prices pose a major threat to price stability generally.
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