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Pole in a sentence

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Sentence count:263+20Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: barbeampostrodshaftstickSimilar words: polypollwholerolesolepolicepolicyapologyMeaning: [pəʊl]  n. 1. a long (usually round) rod of wood or metal or plastic 2. a native or inhabitant of Poland 3. one of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions 4. a linear measure of 16.5 feet 5. a square rod of land 6. one of two points of intersection of the Earth's axis and the celestial sphere 7. one of two antipodal points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the Earth's surface 8. a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves 9. a long fiberglass sports implement used for pole vaulting 10. one of the two ends of a magnet where the magnetism seems to be concentrated. v. 1. propel with a pole 2. support on poles 3. deoxidize molten metals by stirring them with a wooden pole. 
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91. Ice expected to last some time, but look for a few skimmers and perch at Newport on pole and maggot.
92. He went on several more expeditions to the Himalaya and was involved in a race to the south pole.
93. Joseph Harker Is there anything intrinsically upward about the north pole?
94. The words hawa and its plural alma occur some thirty times in the Koran as the negative pole of the ideal city.
95. But by the next day they were flying in and out of another nest box nearby on the pole by the fireplace.
96. From the feel of it she thought it could be a telegraph pole.
97. At the centre, dispatchers keep track of taxis on monitor screens, which can display up to five cabs per pole.
98. The pole was impregnated with a preservative that had a salty taste.
99. I have to break the ice with a long pole before I can lower a bucket into water.
100. The conflict lies in the fact that this second pole has for centuries been condemned as negative, subversive.
101. Using a long hooked pole, he yanked down the mistletoe from the boughs of an old apple tree.
102. The pole is carried between a pair of turning wagon wheels, pulled by two red horses outfitted in bronze finery.
103. We discovered this when the power company discovered that the pole had been so deeply gnawed that it became unsafe.
104. He was fishing on the Red Lion stretch sporting float and pole tackle with maggot for an all-roach catch.
105. At one pole in the debate is keeping our personal freedoms, and at the other is reducing crime.
105. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
106. Maintenance men could tell whether a pole - wooden or concrete - is dangerously cracked before shinning up it.
107. Even the doctor, who had the deep pole, was asking McMurphy for assistance.
108. It looked as if there was a tent pole underneath it.
109. For the past eleven years, the Sun's north geographic pole has also been home to its north magnetic pole.
110. The top of the pole had been severed, and his hat had fallen out of sight into the space below the staging.
111. Among other presentations, the workshop showed films of the pole balancer.
112. They replaced the pole with one with a different flavor and the horses have let it alone.
113. Ongais' Lola-Menard is the one Scott Brayton qualified on the pole position.
114. By the central pole stood a great oaken chest, three feet high and as long as a man.
115. Iden stretch for small fish on pole and maggot in the deeper water by lock.
116. Suddenly a big pole, a sapling, shot across the clearing like a giant arrow.
117. Another limitation on pole field strength arises from the heating effect of the winding currents.
118. Paul gestured towards the biggest muntjac suspended from the carrying pole and made an elaborate gesture of donation.
119. Montane Moving from the foot of a high mountain to its peak is very like travelling from the equator to the pole.
120. Later observations of the other pole showed another small, bright cap there.
More similar words: polypollwholerolesolepolicepolicyapologyas a wholesolelypoliticalapologizepollutionviolentpoliticallypoliticianon the wholemoleculetoleratetolerancemetropolitanno less thanadolescentcholesterolthe proletariat
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