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Orderly in a sentence

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Sentence count:234+6Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: coherentconsistenthospital attendantlawfullogicalorderedregulatedrule-governedsystematicSimilar words: elderlytenderlyunderlyingorderborderin orderout of orderdisorderMeaning: ['ɔrdə(r)lɪ /'ɔːd-]  n. 1. a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer 2. a male hospital attendant who has general duties that do not involve the medical treatment of patients. adj. 1. devoid of violence or disruption 2. according to custom or rule or natural law 3. not haphazard 4. marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts 5. marked by or adhering to method or system 6. marked by system or regularity or discipline. 
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181. Its are orderly: The head - cervical - two upper limbs - pectoral abdomen - back - two ham - two crus.
182. Harmonious Society is a democratic, lawful, fair, justicial, veracious, companionate, lifeful, balanced, orderly society, in which all people are harmonious with the nature.
183. Special design with a view to keeping the punching hold at the suitable place. lt can make the the bottom of the bag well-arranged and orderly in block.
184. Grapes ripen in orderly rows at a vineyard in Champagne-Ardenne.
185. How to keep the stabile and orderly state of traffic flow is an engineering problem.
186. Simple testing shows that the system works orderly and achieves anticipative aim.
187. The rescue work is moving in a capable , orderly, and effective way.
188. The numerous sacrificial pits are arranged in an orderly fashion.
189. Turn streaming tape device to achieve transfer items to different locations, different lines orderly romantic.
190. When leaving every time, should clear away clean orderly, by orderly begin by orderly end, be beneficial to machine of swift move cerebra and thinking agile clarity.
191. Land auction in orderly, idle land disposal is intensifying settlement.
192. I gave up the shelter of an orderly, purposeful, lawful existence.
193. Cards can be orderly collected in some quantity by electronic card collator , and stably transported onto conveyor belt .
194. He followed her into the compact, orderly kitchen which Walter Talbot had designed himself.
195. Its orderly and law-abiding people know they live on one of the most geologically violent archipelagoes on the planet.
196. In chaos orderly, see the hair that is like fleeciness chaos to coil, different roll degree complex and alternant, build strong visual result, it is the curl modelling that arranges extremely easily.
197. An orderly comes in and tells Haywire it's time for group therapy.
198. You can do a bracing if orderly walk here, on a wooden walkway over boggy acid grassland rich in lady's smock, celandine, violets and carnivorous sundew.
199. To outsiders, the process of choosing party successors remains as opaquely Byzantine as ever. But it is undoubtedly more orderly—and less brutal—than it used to be.
200. Circular face suits to exceed short or orderly bang to adjust facial form quite, it is particularly good that such bang is used in the effect in bingle .
201. Robert Audley looked at the rigid primness of the orderly grounds, wondering how George could have grown up in such a place to be the frank, generous,( careless friend whom he had known.
202. To arrange windows in an orderly manner , use the Arrange command on the Window menu.
203. It is assumed that nature involves an orderly regulated system.
204. The paper claims belief in God and government serve overlapping functions as providers of structured, nonrandom, orderly worlds.
205. Step1: Comb the hair with toothcomb orderly, arranging slippery hair is the foundation with long straight beautiful hair.
206. In recent years, the international monetary system failed to promote timely and orderly economic adjustments.
207. Results The molars of all patients were moved orderly, and didn t take place mesiolingual rotation and medal tilt.
208. Its overelaborate to calculate the elastic ground framework using the method of proceeding in an orderly way and step by step.
209. NAPOLEON'S GENERALS, Davoust, Ney, and Murat, who were close to that region of fire, and sometimes even rode into it, several times led immense masses of orderly troops into that region.
210. Liquidation value may be either the result of a forced liquidation or an orderly liquidation.
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