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Obsession in a sentence

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Sentence count:200+6Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: compulsionfixationSimilar words: sessionobsessedcessionrecessionsecessionoppressiondigressionconcessionMeaning: [əb'seʃn]  n. 1. an irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions against your will 2. an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone. 
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181. In therapy, she began to let go of her obsession with Mike.
182. All of these sayings reflect the American obsession with properness and efficiency.
183. I'm sure this Arsenal obsession with kids and youth actually contravenes the law of the land.
184. Of late, the company has exhibited a multifaceted obsession with online geo location.
185. The obsession of the epic womanizer strikes people as lacking in redemption ( redemption by disappointment).
186. In its fervor and obsession, this attitude is similar to that of a perverse religious cult.
187. Part of the reason for this obsession with productivity is we think time is money.
188. Tibetan Tantrism is a belief in spirits and demons, secret sexual practices, occultism, mind control, and an obsession with power.
189. Nevertheless, this whole obsession, which my girls seem to share with all their female school and creche friends, is one that has always sat rather uneasily with me.
190. The superimposition of ideological conflict and personal jealousies turned inherent rivalry into obsession.
191. Science lessons should be more hands-on and exploratory, according to a new report that criticises a dangerous obsession with results that has stripped science teaching of explosions and pyrotechnics.
192. A year later, he urged his countrymen — black and white — to support their national rugby team, the sports obsession of the nation's Afrikaner population.
193. I definitely lust after new technology, or things I am dreaming to own some day... but I am also aware of this obsession.
194. P?? T Anderson's epic about the birth of America's obsession with oil was as ruggedly individual, frontier-pushing and darkly magnificent, as its subject matter.
195. What does a garden in your mind mean, one's private obsession to one's heart's content or a place for free expression of one's physical desire?
196. His obsession with the flesh and body is also reflected in the titles of his works, Human Lesson (DRESS01), 1996, Phantom Limb , 1997.
197. Their streets, air and tap water are squeaky clean and chocolate is a national obsession.
197. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
198. Ms Fisher acted in such R-rated films as Intimate Obsession, Body of Influence 2 and Easy Rider and appeared on the 2007 NBC reality show Age of Love, which paired older women with a younger man.
199. Obsession with the relationship has resulted from an accumulation of stories about their picture-perfect love.
200. Tony Blair, chastened by his early struggles to turn policy into better public services, developed an obsession with technocracy when he was in power.
More similar words: sessionobsessedcessionrecessionsecessionoppressiondigressionconcessionimpressionaggressionexpressionconfessionsuccessionrepressionsuppressionprofessioncompressiondepressionprofessionaltransgressioncongressionalecological successionobservationprepossessingmissionpassionemissionpercussionadmissioncommission
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