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Obsession in a sentence

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Sentence count:200+6Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: compulsionfixationSimilar words: sessionobsessedcessionrecessionsecessionoppressiondigressionconcessionMeaning: [əb'seʃn]  n. 1. an irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions against your will 2. an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone. 
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61. Rose Bower belonged to Sandy - with their obsession for recording details about employees they would know that.
62. Before I put the home brew in them, I had an obsession to get the dirt out.
63. She shooed it off, vindictively giving it an urge to become a great landscape painter in place of its rope obsession.
64. Easy-going and seemingly indolent, he was in fact a prodigious worker with an obsession for his job.
65. This painting has become a veritable obsession and he has returned to it repeatedly over the past thirty years.
66. I mean, excitement is one thing, but this is bordering on obsession. 1 go over to his place.
67. This was partly due to the unattractiveness of education classes and partly to the pervasive influence of the public-school obsession with games.
68. Humanist psychology seems to avoid traditional psychology's obsession with objectivity.
69. Concomitant with the obsession with dirt was a desire for order.
70. Demonstrating the cleaning powers of modern sewage treatment plants is something of an obsession for those who work there.
71. It became an obsession and, looking back, I realize this and am not proud of it.
72. They disliked his aggression, his finesse, his lack of respect for tradition, his obsession with media coverage.
73. This is because of his obsession with golf and how it takes precedence over everything else.
74. Stirling had little patience with the planning staffs' obsession with large set-piece armoured battles in the desert.
75. I fully realized the futility of this enterprise, an unrequited obsession, a one-sided infatuation.
76. But I was already close enough to the aquatic world for it to become a lifelong obsession.
77. How to account for the improbable mating of a dream and - yes,( Bob was probably right - an obsession.
78. The modern obsession with transplantation takes precedence over finding the causes of organ disease.
79. Maria confronts and explores her own jealousy through her obsession with the fugitive on the rooftops.
80. Nevertheless, obsession with the size of public sector borrowing requirements began at this time.
81. She has an obsession with the drug that verges on monomania.
82. Developing management Management development should be an obsession Most outstanding companies can be distinguished by one particular feature.
83. But this doesn t fit the media obsession with gender politics.
84. Has anything been gained by the national obsession with the Simpson affair?
85. A promo video stressing the artist's style is a shrewd marketing ploy which exploits the music industry's visual
86. And that business about her obsession with him; she had never mentioned that to a living soul.
87. Revenue Revenue generation should be an obsession with every single company employee Revenue is very visible.
88. Having undertaken the same journey in my own youth, I can testify to the authenticity of the obsession described.
89. I knew that if I wasn't careful, my obsession for her could destroy me.
90. The new obsession with trendy design was indulged in by scattering diamond-shaped symbols around the pages.
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