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Nurture in a sentence

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Sentence count:115+2Posted:2017-01-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bring upcare forfeedfostermindnourishnurseraisereartendtrainSimilar words: aperturedeparturetenureperturbtorturousperturbationfuturenatureMeaning: ['nɜrtʃər /'nɜːtʃə]  n. 1. the properties acquired as a consequence of the way you were treated as a child 2. helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community. v. 1. help develop, help grow 2. bring up 3. provide with nourishment. 
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31 Nurture that dream, or even the tiny fragment of a dream that excites you and gives you hope for the future.
32 I do, however, believe we must recognize the enormous psychological resistance to the idea that fathers can nurture their children.
33 Lost love is still love. It takes a different form, that's all. You can't see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner. You nurture it. You hold it. You dance with it. Mitch Albom 
34 However, such a development would need nurturing, and there are few people with adequate expertise to nurture it.
35 The managers now appreciated the need to build and nurture relationships with subordinates.
36 So our crying level may reflect more nature than nurture.
37 Encouragement and real results are the essential ingredients required to nurture adequate supplies of willpower and to keep it growing.
38 Park provided cheap loans and tax benefits to nurture Daewoo and a few other businesses into conglomerates that mass-produced for export markets.
39 Empirical social science has yet to provide clear answers to these questions about nature versus nurture and politics.
40 The caf lounge area has cushy chairs and plenty of caffeinated and herbal remedies to nurture patrons of the arts.
41 An alert pediatrician has an excellent opportunity to nurture this.
42 In the name of Freudian nurture theories[], gays were once treated with aversion therapy-electric shocks and emetics accompanied by homoerotic images.
43 And at each of these junctures, nature and nurture can discover a new partnership.
44 The goal of the economic policies is to create jobs and nurture new industries.
45 The sweet murmur of their water can provide balm for troubled spirits and their banks offer sweet shelter to nurture true love.
46 With time, you can learn how to influence favorably this interplay of nature and nurture in your child.
47 The formal procedure is seen as a substitute for a more spontaneous flow and nurture of ideas.
48 Thirdly, I hope to indicate ways in which spiritual direction might be developed as a means of nurture within the church.
49 He is part-aboriginal by nurture and white by nature; and the mixture shakes the white settlers to their roots.
50 So far, neither nature nor nurture has provided a completely satisfactory explanation.
51 His politics are not of the kind which nurture nastiness; he was fashioned for finer things.
52 I have never been sure if it was nature or nurture.
53 What could be done to bring the metanormal dimensions of athletes into the open and nurture them more fully?
54 The company that provides adequate opportunities for new learning will nurture employability security and loyalty.
55 Some hamsters nurse and nurture large litters while also eating one or two to recoup strength.
56 Schools also need to nurture good citizens and people who can understand and appreciate the world around them.
57 The music biz would rather manufacture acts than nurture artists.
58 The college should have as its prime concern the nurture of ethics and integrity; they are the core of any professions.
59 Timotei Moisturiser is able to nurture the softness of your skin by working in perfect harmony with it.
60 There are no guarantees, no matter how much you nurture your children.
More similar words: aperturedeparturetenureperturbtorturousperturbationfuturenaturematuremixtureventuregesturerupturetexturetincturecaptureposturepicturefeatureculturelecturein futureculturedin naturefractureimmaturecreatureby naturemoisturesculpture
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