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Nonsmoker in a sentence

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Sentence count:38Posted:2017-01-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: nonsmoking carSimilar words: smokesmoking gunbrokerbrokeragetransmittransmittedtransmissionpokeMeaning: ['nɑn'sməʊkə(r) /'nɒn-]  n. 1. a person who does not smoke tobacco 2. a passenger car for passengers who want to avoid tobacco smoke. 
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1. Smokers and nonsmokers can not be equally free in the same railway carriage. 
2. I've become a non-smoker.
3. Non-smokers often disapprove of smokers.
4. Nonsmokers should avoid being in smoke-filled rooms.
5. Smokers are more subject to heart attacks than non-smokers.
6. Shall we sit in a smoker or a non-smoker?
7. Smokers and nonsmokers are paired up as roommates.
8. Nobody will be allowed to smoke in an office if there are non-smokers present.
9. Children of smokers are more likely to start smoking than are children of non-smokers.
10. A new study proved conclusively that smokers die younger than non-smokers.
11. Male non-smoker, 36, GSOH, would like to meet interesting female.
12. Smoking is a tremendous annoyance to non-smokers.
13. Being a fanatic nonsmoker and health freak, he made us enact the ritual funeral of a cigarette end.
14. A non-smoker and a teetotaller, Taylor was stockily built and of fair complexion.
15. The patient was a non-smoker and did not consume alcohol.
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Eventually the chances of developing lung cancer and other diseases will also be lessened, until they are the same as for non-smokers.
17. Participants who smoked also had higher rates of short and long spells of sickness absence compared with non-smokers.
18. The Reading attitude survey found 15 percent of smokers - and 67 percent of non-smokers - favoured a total ban.
19. Perhaps now the novelty should be the nonsmoker?
20. Nonsmoker Lung Cancer: A Different Disease?
21. A cigarette smoker has two to three times the risk of having a heart attack than a nonsmoker.
22. In comparison,[] the risk for pipe and cigar smokers was only up to 10% higher than nonsmokers.
23. There is no try'!" If my friend believes that he'll only try to quit smoking, then he probably won't receive the gift of being a nonsmoker.
24. "When I have meetings at work, a lot of my colleagues smoke, and the smell really bothers me, " says Shi Haifeng, a 27-year-old nonsmoker who works in finance in Shanghai.
25. After 5 years of smoking cessation, the risks are the same as those of a nonsmoker .
26. Because after 10 years without smoking, the risk of lung cancer is similar to that of a nonsmoker.
27. Research shows that a person who smokes 10 or more cigarettes a day for a minimum of 10 years is statistically more likely to develop deeply wrinkled, leathery skin than a nonsmoker.
28. Objective To explore the relation between HPV infection and lung cancer in female nonsmoker, and to investigate its relationship with LOH of FHIT gene.
29. Treatment of these energy points will helps the body adjust to this new lifestyle change of becoming a nonsmoker.
30. Your first attempt to quit smoking lead you to become a permanent nonsmoker.
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