Similar words: neglect, elected, selected, lectern, directed, dejected, affected, effected. Meaning: [nɪ'glektɪd] adj. 1. disregarded 2. lacking a caretaker.
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181, Jacopo della Quercia provides an authoritative guide to one of the great neglected sculptors of the fifteenth century.
182, A thousand or more children are being abused or neglected every week - and three or four die every week.
183, Their work is not accounted for, and so their further development potential is grossly neglected.
184, It is additional information that should not be neglected but used in a valid manner in the process of reducing overall risk.
185, This aspect of London speech has also been largely neglected by researchers.
186, This disillusion causes one to feel neglected, slighted, rejected, etc.
187, This research project focuses on three related aspects of the introduction of protection which have been comparatively neglected.
188, The Christmas bonus has also been neglected for too long.
189, If a now neglected painter was popular during his lifetime we must examine the reason why and look at the works again.
190, The article neglected to mention the large percentage of homeowners who rebuilt early and subsequently tried to sell their houses.
191, This is a complex question(, and one which has been greatly neglected by sociologists.
192, Hands often age first-subjected to constant abuse, they're usually neglected when applying moisturiser or sun cream.
193, One or two ancient graves were neglected, rusty iron crosses dangling broken beadwork bouquets.
194, Any analysis of human behavior which neglected these facts would be defective indeed.
195, Long neglected, it has now been restored by the University of Edinburgh and is once again used for its original purpose.
196, This study is not an attempt to rescue from oblivion a poet whom critical attention has neglected.
197, He neglected his fried shrimp and watched Schwartzwalder consume his pork chop, salad, and martinis.
198, And you may like to know that we have not neglected the infant's biological need to suckle.
199, Decayed, warped and neglected, it stood proudly on its solid foundations, displaying a still sturdy brick frame.
200, I am bound to the unknown and neglected Stuart-Murrays by spiralling tapeworms of genetic material.
201, It was striking that the historical, social and policy implications of language teaching were the areas most neglected in methods work.
201, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
202, The time for that will come, and must come, for tales have been much neglected in favour of other work and scholarship.
203, This is only true in deep space when the gravitational force can be neglected.
204, As well as being neglected in popular entertainment, this type of crime has also been neglected as an area of study.
205, It begins by looking at the often neglected memorial monument of the civic square and the public place.
206, Children abused or seriously neglected in childhood often exhibit as adults a sociopathic inability to empathize with other people.
207, Both had been disgracefully neglected till then. Tunnel vision and mutual incomprehension were natural reactions.
208, Brass rods, tethering the red carpet to the flights of the staircase, were importances she never saw neglected.
209, The release of tension in organizations is probably one of the most neglected areas of research.
210, At the most basic level, then, the health of women and girls in developing countries continued to be neglected.
More similar words: neglect, elected, selected, lectern, directed, dejected, affected, effected, expected, infected, protected, respected, connected, unexpected, dejectedly, disaffected, unexpectedly, be connected with, negligent, negligible, electromagnetic spectrum, specter, addicted, afflicted, convicted, protracted, elect, select, distractedly, abstractedly.