Similar words: principle, ultimate, result in, ultimately, simultaneously, tip, formula, diplomat. Meaning: ['mʌltɪpl] n. the product of a quantity by an integer. adj. having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual.
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61. Experience shows that investing in gambling and casino companies is itself risky, and the prospective multiple is a healthy 29.
62. The 777 is quieter, has user-friendly storage bins and a sophisticated entertainment system with multiple choices.
63. We knew there was a chance of a multiple birth but nothing can prepare you for something like that.
64. While multiple births have increased in recent years because of the success of fertility drugs, sextuplets still are rare.
65. The discs accommodate eight language tracks, 32 subtitle tracks and provisions for alternate endings and multiple camera angles.
66. There are two basic possibilities for questions, multiple choice or supply type.
67. Norman Reeve, 24, received multiple bruising and Peter Clark, 25, suffered leg injuries.
68. This project will analyse multiple victimisation using statistical modelling techniques.
69. But the multiple currents passing around and between the islands were treacherous.
70. Teams form over national boundaries and across multiple time zones.
71. Three months later, the patient had fever and headache which led to the diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis with multiple cerebral abscesses.
72. People with progressively severe impairments, due to illness such as multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis, must constantly cope with new problems.
73. It is also apparent that multiple tenascin isoforms are detectable at the mRNA and protein level.
74. Among modifiable factors only access to a dietitian and an interested general practitioner featured significantly in the final multiple regression analysis.
75. An alternative solution is the provision of multiple.length arithmetic operations, of course.
76. She had been beaten and strangled and died from multiple injuries and asphyxia.
77. Applications here focus on using gigabit networks to combine the processing power of multiple supercomputers for climate and chemical reaction modeling.
78. Four years of hard work and verifiable accomplishment in high school are negated by a 3 hour, multiple choice test.
79. Very often shopping schemes are aimed principally at the multiple chains, which will pay higher rents.
80. Using object replication, it automatically generates duplicate versions of objects on multiple disks with negligible overheads.
81. Moreover, an explicit claim to multiple points of view tells us nothing about the actual practice of using them.
82. Political action groups lay in wait for companies that stumble in their conduct and treatment of multiple stake-holders.
83. He had multiple fractures down his right side, including a smashed collar bone and arm.
84. Finger-printing will be introduced for asylum applicants, to prevent multiple applications and fraudulent benefit claims.
85. To determine the extent of gastric metaplasia, multiple biopsy specimens were collected from standardised sites of the duodenal bulb.
86. She died of cancer at the age of 48, when her suppressed anger and resentment emerged as multiple tumours.
87. Dialogic describes this as a comprehensive multilayered open architecture for building distributed communications systems from multiple technologies.
88. The terraced house in Station Road, Darlington, is already in multiple occupancy and retrospective planning permission had been applied for.
89. The new laws also lift a ban on multiple trade unions operating in a single workplace, something workers have sought.
90. As in medieval allegory, multiple layers of meaning correspond to the novel's multiple languages.
More similar words: principle, ultimate, result in, ultimately, simultaneously, tip, formula, diplomat, stimulus, diplomatic, stimulate, full-time, at all times, plea, plead, apple, people, couple, sample, complex, purple, temple, adult, result, for example, a couple of, complexity, implement, assault, culture.