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Modernization in a sentence

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Sentence count:158+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-04-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: modernisationSimilar words: westernizationmodernizecanonizationorganizationurbanizationvulcanizationcolonizationorganizationalMeaning: [‚mɑdərnəɪ'zeɪʃn /‚mɒdna-]  n. 1. making modern in appearance or behavior 2. a modernized version (as of a play). 
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1) International competition is a spur to modernization.
2) The firm is pressing ahead with the modernization plan.
3) The modernization of the industry was phased over a 20-year period.
4) Modernization is the key to speed up our agricultural development.
5) The modernization of the industry was phased over at 20 - year period.
6) The modernization of the 100-year-old sewage and water systems will cost millions of pounds.
7) All attempts at modernization were stamped on by senior officials.
8) We must achieve modernization of science and technology, otherwise we will lag behind other nations.
9) Modernization of the industrial structure had hardly begun.
10) Modernization Modernization theories of the global system are largely based on the distinction between the traditional and the modern.
11) To Yacouba the new watchwords of democracy and modernization are vast improvements on the furore of the Revolution.
12) Liberal approaches to modernization are closely linked to economic globalization.
13) Modernization has marched across the land from Messina to Marsala.
14) Modernization theory, like the Weber thesis,[] has its strong supporters and its strong detractors.
15) If modernization carries the seeds of freedom, then modernization will have to wait!
16) Modernization and industrialization have contributed to later marriages, for example, as have improvements in educational and employment opportunities for women.
17) Ultimately, political modernization was sacrificed for the sake of conservative support for the national cause.
18) Modernization by tyranny is no more likely to work today than it did when Stalin tried it half a century ago.
19) As modernization has spread throughout the world, modern attitudes have displaced traditional ways of thinking about what is important in life.
20) The last important resistance to modernization was crushed in the Satsuma rebellion of 1877.
21) As modernization proceeded, the overwhelming majority of graduates became healthily integrated within existing society.
22) She glossed over the company's fall in profits, focusing instead on her plans for investment and modernization.
23) In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.
24) The railways have been deprived of the money they need for modernization.
25) Methods of management operation should also be changed to suit the needs of modernization.
26) From 1945 until 1963, national priorities actually operated against the modernization of the North's industrial structure.
27) Both Lipset and Coleman find a strong correlation between indices of modernization and democratization.
28) So is obtaining a relatively cheap military technology for its modernization efforts, and diversifying its trading partners.
29) Kaiser hospitals in Northern California are about half full, and several of them need replacement or modernization.
30) New economic reforms were put on hold, although efforts to attract foreign investment and push forward with the modernization drive continued.
More similar words: westernizationmodernizecanonizationorganizationurbanizationvulcanizationcolonizationorganizationaldecolonizationsynchronizationexternalizationinternalizationnonprofit organizationworld trade organizationnationalizationrationalizationprivatizationacclimatizationmodernutilizationrealizationrandomizationpolarizationcivilizationhybridizationfertilizationauthorizationglobalizationsocializationstabilization
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