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Memorize in a sentence

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Sentence count:73Posted:2016-11-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: learn by heartrememberSimilar words: memorialauthorizein memory offrom memorydemoralizeprizehorizonmesmerizeMeaning: ['meməraɪz]  v. commit to memory; learn by heart. 
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31. I memorize that has read this piece of essay.
32. It helps them memorize the months a catchy rhyme.
33. An actor must memorize his part in a play.
34. I still memorize the day of our hometown's liberation.
35. I memorize my father has told me this thing.
36. Scrutinize every word, memorize every line.
37. I memorize that buys the ticket in any place.
38. Memorize the password, they burn up the paper.
39. In the meantime, consult dictionaries and memorize grammatical rules.
40. She says she can teach people to memorize the Dvorak layout in about 20 minutes, on average, as opposed to 45 minutes for the standard.
41. With just a little bit of experience, the lists you memorize using the Memory Palace will stay fresh in your mind for many days, weeks or even more.
42. Malcolm started reading Kant and Nietzsche, H. G. Wells and Herodotus; he even tried to memorize the dictionary.
43. They could enter a room or building, memorize materials quickly, leave the building, and then be amnesic for the entire episode.
44. So they are practicing their pronunciation ignorantly. At the same time it can help students memorize English words.
45. Before staring on asea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter.
46. LI: She forced me to memorize the Sample reels of Dale Carnegie.
47. I still memorize I became that one of military man.
48. The hero suffers from transient memory loss after an accident and is only able to memorize things that happened a couple of minutes ago.
49. Please change your initial Personal Identification Numbers ( PIN ) below and memorize them.
50. A new kind of strain measuring element, the Max. Strain Memory Element(, is introduced in this paper. The element has the function to memorize the value of maximum strain of the loading history.
51. If you think of it as a list of vocabulary to learn off, or a table of grammar to memorize, you are missing the point entirely.
52. Memorize, to understand western culture, to study the text are good use.
53. For the 32 million American Girl Scouts who sell cookies in an annual drive, there is a lot more to do than memorize the 11 varieties.
54. I memorize my father took once me to the zoo.
55. Summary:A lot of high school student all think phrasing is memorize mechanically hard carry on the back, only have so just apprehensibility phrasing.
56. If you memorize a poem, you can say it without looking at a book.
57. I still memorize that night of the performance in municipal administration hall.
58. Before staring on asea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse places to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter. 59.
59. Untill today I trust that there do exist remember to the end of one's life's love, only once which warm and happiness is enough to memorize in all one's born days.
60. In 2008, one year before the decennial, we are going to introspect and memorize, to express the culture and life style before and after handover.
More similar words: memorialauthorizein memory offrom memorydemoralizeprizehorizonmesmerizefirst prizecharacterizeall the moreonce moremoribundmemberremembermembershiplemonremoveremoteseizeemotionremovalsize upmorehegemonyDemocratceremonyoriginutilizeidolize
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