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Memorize in a sentence

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Sentence count:73Posted:2016-11-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: learn by heartrememberSimilar words: memorialauthorizein memory offrom memorydemoralizeprizehorizonmesmerizeMeaning: ['meməraɪz]  v. commit to memory; learn by heart. 
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61. I do not memorize that I had promiseed this thing of you.
62. The tale is fraught with satirical allusions to Dodgson's friends (and enemies), and to the lessons that British schoolchildren were expected to memorize.
63. She can not memorize who she is, and where she lived.
64. The agent will have a fake life history that he must memorize.
64. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
65. NOTICE You would be well-advised to memorize the sentences before you want to bear the words in mind.
66. It is enough that they know about the Battle of Hastings, without having to memorize that it was in 1066.
67. Second, the emphasis in the curriculum is not on having students memorize legal rules. It is on teaching them the special intellectual skill of sympathetic engagement with counterargument.
68. Over time, they can help designers internalize the requirements so that they follow them as a matter of course, without having to memorize them or follow them superstitiously.
69. You will want to memorize these conjuration's and not have to read them off a card.
70. Anyone who can memorize the Sutra a true disciple of the Buddha.
71. I do not memorize what time he came back yesterday.
72. Use your own shorthand and notational system to highlight important facts and actions in the material you're learning. Condense, memorize and review the material you've learned by creating mindmaps.
73. There is no way a blogger could hire for this, and few bloggers can justify spending the years it takes to memorize The AP Stylebook.
More similar words: memorialauthorizein memory offrom memorydemoralizeprizehorizonmesmerizefirst prizecharacterizeall the moreonce moremoribundmemberremembermembershiplemonremoveremoteseizeemotionremovalsize upmorehegemonyDemocratceremonyoriginutilizeidolize
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