Similar words: medical, medication, medic, medicine, paramedic, dedicate, predicate, dedicated. Meaning: ['medɪkeə]
n. health care for the aged; a federally administered system of health insurance available to persons aged 65 and over.
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61 Something has happened, however, to the bargain that Social Security and Medicare have been.
62 Clinton and others in Washington have talked of establishing a bipartisan commission to study Medicare.
63 More seniors would move to Medicare HMOs under budget-cutting plans being considered in Congress.
64 Democratic plans for Medicare rely mostly on putting a squeeze on health care providers, such as hospitals and doctors.
65 Those wages are subject to Social Security, Medicare, income and federal unemployment taxes.
66 Part B Medicare covers doctor visits and other outpatient care.
67 As a federal spending program, Medicare now ranks fourth behind Social Security, defense and debt service.
68 Approximately 75 percent of taxpayers are now paying more in Social Security and Medicare taxes than they pay in income taxes.
69 He voted against much of the Great Society anti-poverty program[ ], including a 1965 vote against creating Medicare.
70 Hernandez and Brown said they anticipate that Congress will cooperate and grant the city Medicare and Medicaid waivers.
71 Similarly, our social security and Medicare programs provide financial support for the retired and aged sick.
72 Medicare pays $ X for each kidney dialysis, $ Y for a double heart bypass.
73 Recently a self-styled young adults' lobby called Third Millennium hit on a provocative way to explain the impending Medicare crisis.
74 Other fixes are more complex and include changing how Medicare pays doctors and hospitals, monitors spending and subsidizes private health insurers.
75 Last but certainly not least, Social Security and Medicare have been very good deals for participants.
76 The stockings would not be covered under traditional Medicare rules.
77 A part of the Democratic campaign litany is the claim that Republicans cut spending for Medicare.
78 The cost of blood testing strips used by diabetics to check their blood sugar also would be paid by Medicare.
79 That includes fraud against private health plans and against government programs such as Medicare.
80 The result is that the entire cost will be paid out of general Treasury funds(, rather than by Medicare recipients.
81 Mitchell noted that on a number of issues such as Medicare and college loans, unions had fought Gingrich and the Republicans.
82 Further regulation is not likely to improve things. Medicare and Medicaid have a plethora of policies that escalate their own costs.
83 So we have been moving to make matters worse by encouraging private insurers to take over Medicare.
84 When Clinton won re-election, senior Republicans pointedly said Clinton had to take the first step on any Medicare proposals.
85 This, they added, could jeopardize other large benefit programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.
86 Greg Ganske, R-Iowa, managed to include in the big Medicare and Medicaid funding measures important protections for managed-care patients.
87 Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlement programs that comprise two-thirds of the federal budget.
88 Not even Jack Kemp could credibly explain how the Dole plan would work without tapping entitlements like Medicare or busting the budget.
89 She estimated Medicare could save $ 2 billion annually by using computers to reject improper claims.
90 The Republican plan would reduce Medicare spending by $ 270 billion over seven years.
More similar words: medical, medication, medic, medicine, paramedic, dedicate, predicate, dedicated, dedication, predicament, alternative medicine, media, median, medial, medium, mediate, comedian, mediator, medieval, mediocre, remedial, meditate, edict, immediate, mediation, mass media, meditation, mediocrity, predict, immediately.