Similar words: geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, thermosphere, hydrosphere, asthenosphere, phosphate, atmospheric. Meaning: n. the solid part of the earth consisting of the crust and outer mantle.

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1, Continental lithosphere stands higher than oceanic lithosphere because continental crust is both of greater thickness and lower density than oceanic crust.
2, Where oceanic lithosphere is subducted beneath another oceanic part of a plate the associated volcanic activity and produce an intra-oceanic island arc.
3, Subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a plate carrying continental crust gives rise to a continental-margin orogen.
4, For example, while heating of the lithosphere may account for uplift, subsidence may result from lithospheric cooling.
5, Such mountain belts develop when the oceanic lithosphere originally lying between two continents is eventually consumed.
6, In other words the lithosphere experiences flexure, just as a springboard does when a diver walks along it.
7, To attain hydrostatic equilibrium the position of the lithosphere adjusts vertically in accordance with its density and thickness.
8, This occurs because rifting of the lithosphere allows hot mantle rock to move towards the surface.
9, This is because thick lithosphere will tend to be more resistant to the effects of heat conduction and penetrative magmatism.
10, Oceanic lithosphere has a mean density rather close to that of the immediately underlying asthenosphere.
11, One reason is that the lithosphere is not divided into small discrete blocks able to move freely up and down with respect to each other.
12, Convergent boundaries between oceanic lithosphere are marked by an oceanic trench, a volcanic island arc and a Wadati-Benioff zone.
13, Each of these areas of continental lithosphere are thought to have overridden regions of hot asthenosphere associated with former mid-oceanic spreading ridges.
14, Cool, thick, old oceanic lithosphere is gravitationally unstable as it is generally denser than the asthenosphere over which it lies.
15, Perhaps more significant is the thickening of oceanic lithosphere as it moves away from mid-oceanic ridges.
16, But if the lithosphere along the margin has sufficient rigidity the resulting imbalance in load will be accommodated through flexural isostasy.
17, The heavy oceanic lithosphere descends into the mantle, beneath the lighter continental lithosphere.
18, Oceanic lithosphere, however,[] is young and effectively of uniform age relative to continental lithosphere.
19, The lithosphere is broken into about a dozen large rigid plates, each plate moving as a distinct unit.
20, Warming occurs so slowly that the descending lithosphere retains its high density characteristics for a very long time.
21, The hydrosphere, atmosphere, pedosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and energy circle in an ecosystem are also in a dynamic balance.
22, Back-arc spreading may be initiated within the volcanic arc because the high heat flux from below weakens the lithosphere.
23, The sequence of continental-margin orogen development begins with the subduction of oceanic lithosphere at, or close to, a continental margin.
24, The time scale over which uplift takes place depends upon the way in which heat is transferred through the lithosphere.
25, The tremendous weight of the ice sheet loaded and depressed that part of the lithosphere.
26, In his original model McKenzie assumed, for ease of calculation, that the lithosphere is stretched instantaneously.
27, A second reason for isostatic anomalies is that the lithosphere is not capable of adjusting instantaneously to a change in load.
28, Other evidence supports the idea of a lack of major deformation within plates, at least over plates composed of oceanic lithosphere.
29, Panxi Rift with the dome-shaped volcano pattern has undergone three evolutionary processes: the lithosphere dome by mantle bulge, the continental crust dome and the subvolcano-dome.
30, According to the previous studies, the uplifting of the asthenosphere could be correlated with lithosphere thinning resulted from an E-W extension.
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