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Atmospheric in a sentence

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Sentence count:182+6 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: atmosphericalSimilar words: atmosphereat mostbiospheresphereutmostblasphemyhemispherephosphorescentMeaning: [‚ætməs'ferɪk]  adj. relating to or located in the atmosphere. 
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1. This software is used for modelling atmospheric dynamics.
2. The Act imposes more stringent regulations on atmospheric pollution.
3. Atmospheric pressure varies with elevation and temperature.
4. Plants are the main source of atmospheric oxygen.
5. The barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure.
6. The new restaurant is highly atmospheric.
7. Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric circulation are strongly coupled.
8. These atmospheric waves are a reliable indicator of weather changes.
9. That music's very atmospheric.
10. The director employs sensuous(, atmospheric camerawork and deft dramatic touches.
11. They used an air compressor to take in atmospheric air , compress it, and force it into the cabin.
12. If atmospheric conditions are right, it may be possible to see this group of stars tonight.
13. Atmospheric nuclear tests are now banned by an international treaty.
14. It usually equals the atmospheric pressure.
15. Upward-moving atmospheric waves could greatly heat a rarefied atmosphere.
16. At times slight, but warm,[Sentence dictionary] gentle and atmospheric.
17. The message was clear: Atmospheric trouble was brewing.
18. Several different atmospheric constituents can form clouds in the Jovian atmosphere.
19. When atmospheric conditions are right, radio waves bounce off the ionosphere and can be received many thousands of miles away.
20. Normal atmospheric pressure is about 100 kPa, so the cabin pressure was just over one third of this.
21. These cling without roots and survive on atmospheric moisture, trickles of melt-water or trapped snow and rain.
22. As levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane increase, the greenhouse effect will trap increasing amounts of heat.
23. The once azure skies of Athens have been ruined by atmospheric pollution.
24. The stratigraphic record can at best link these two important phenomena - the emergence of species and the long-term atmospheric temperature changes.
25. In a cabin soaked in pure oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure for five hours, almost anything bums.
26. Cellulose, unlike cotton duck and linen, does not contract or expand due to atmospheric conditions.
27. Their sound, previously user-friendly indie guitar pop, is now deeply mood-led and spine-tinglingly atmospheric, ethereal master class stuff.
28. The degree of scattering is affected by the distance traversed through the atmosphere, called the atmospheric path length.
29. Slates eventually decay because of their reaction with weak acids formed from sulphur and other atmospheric pollutants dissolved in rainwater.
30. No sulphur deficiency has yet been detected as a result of falling atmospheric levels but there is a need for continued vigilance.
More similar words: atmosphereat mostbiospheresphereutmostblasphemyhemispherephosphorescentperipheryprosperityEricAmericanesotericbe rich incholerichystericsPan-Americanhystericalamerican revolutioncome what maya great manytreatmentat midnighthot moneymostmosesmosquelast monthmostlyalmost
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