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Lac in a sentence

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Sentence count:43Posted:2017-02-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lackplaceblacklacunafallacyplacidpalacesolaceMeaning: [læk]  n. resinlike substance secreted by certain lac insects; used in e.g. varnishes and sealing wax. 
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1. Traditionally, lac coating, alkyd varnish, nitro - varnish, acrylic coating are used.
2. The lac operon is an inducible operon, whereas the trp operon is a repressible operon.
3. Three cases of cysticerciasis showed Lac, Ace, Suc , Ala and no AA , Cho, NAA.
4. From the two days at Lac - qui - Meurt Card drew confidence.
5. Agricultural research in the LAC region is still largely in the public sector.
6. This paper studied the effects of lac wax on the freshness keeping of eggplant.
7. With FeCl 3 as catalyst(, raw carbon ( LAC ) was successfully modified by CO 2 used as activation agents.
8. This paper studied the effects of shell lac wax on the freshness keeping of eggplant.
9. The fact that copper pollution of laccaic acid in stick lac could not be avoided was concluded after considering its biological source and chemical nature.
10. Extraction methods of natural lac dye as well as its application to silk and cation modified cotton are discussed.
11. Conclusion Lac was most sensitive and early reliable index reflecting acute ischemic cerebral infarction.
12. In the lac resin, the content of hard resin is 65.1%, the content of soft resin is 28.2%.
13. Results indicated that the dissolving process of lac resin in sodium carbonate was an acid-base reaction in a zero grade mode.
14. The new sanctuary has been set up on dry prairie land south of Lac Leman.
15. The results showed that the mango was preserved better with different concentration of bleached lac than the contrast sample. The appropriate concentration of bleached lac was 10%.
16. I can't see a huge market for an iPhone edition of Hotel du Lac, with Anita Brookner improvising scat jazz accompanied by a steel band.
17. Im - mediately after a race, each swimmer has an ear pricked to test for lac - tic - acid levels.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. A city of eastern Wisconsin on Lake Winnebago north-northwest of Fond du Lac.
19. Discussion Metabolic dysfunction that lead anaerobic metabolism existed during the OLT which represented as LAC elevating.
20. Cotton fabric is cationised by the modifier DT and dyed with the natural Lac dye.
21. Truong Dai hoc Tay Nguyen : Buon Me Thuot, Dac Lac Province.
22. Results: P 3 G 9 - L can express soluable Fab fragment and the function of Lac promotor is weak.
23. 210 harmonized household surveys are included in the Socio-Economic Database for LAC (SEDLAC), a joint effort by the IBRD and the Universidad Nacional de La Plata in Argentina.
24. Church recalls seeing plasmid and gene sequences for the first time—penicillinase and insulin, the lac repressor and interferon.
25. Consequently, if glucose is present in the medium, it is redundant to induce the lac operon.
26. Field research was conducted on 7 host tree species and lac insect population dynamic of lac insect during estival generation.
27. Then divided those patients into fivegroups according to the TOAST ( ATR, CEMB , LAC, OTH and UND ).
28. The changes of molecular weight, life under heat, acid value, hydroxyl value and chlorine content of lac resin during bleaching and de-chlorinating processes have been studied.
29. Organic gum acacia, silica, organic pre - gelatinized maize starch, lac resin, and carnauba wax.
30. You want legal representation and you want to contact your lawyer, the LAC and your family.
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