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Judiciary in a sentence

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Sentence count:162+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: judicialjudicial branchjudicial reviewjudiciousbeneficiaryprejudiceadjudicatefiduciaryMeaning: n. 1. persons who administer justice 2. the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government. 
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1 The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote momen-tarily on his nomination to the Supreme Court.
2 The judiciary must think very hard before jailing non-violent offenders.
3 It could fetter the independence of the judiciary.
4 The judiciary will continue to have the last word.
5 Diversify the mostly white federal judiciary.
6 Fujimori suspended the constitution and dissolved the judiciary.
7 As to the judiciary, the Court of Justice,( this is a more complicated matter.
8 He also launched a bitter attack on the judiciary, accusing it of corruption.
9 The judiciary is a farce: 80 % of prisoners are awaiting trial.
10 Is the notion of an independent judiciary a sham? 4.
11 The judiciary only resort to disciplinary action in the most blatant cases, where the alternative would make us look even worse.
12 The judiciary, not the executive or legislative branches, was the most powerful institution, I decided.
13 The Senate Judiciary Committee did not make her charges public and closed the confirmation hearings without calling her as a witness.
14 The Senate Judiciary Committee approved it[], but several senators said they voted for it just to expedite the full Senate debate.
15 The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey's adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.
16 The Judiciary Committee rejected a proposal that would have made the sentencing guidelines only advisory.
17 The judiciary does not and can not exist in a vacuum, immune to civic concerns and shifting realities.
18 The Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches together make up the US government.
19 Not withstanding that risk, under the Constitution, the judiciary is in the best position to blow the whistle on runaway majorities.
20 Secondly, the judiciary can impose limits on whose views should be taken into account when discretion is exercised.
21 The first job of the new democratic government should be to depoliticize the judiciary.
22 This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
23 Power is shared between three main branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.
24 Review over findings of fact has also increased as the judiciary have increased their control over open-textured and subjective conditions of jurisdiction.
25 For these reasons, if none other, the Lord Chancellor, is more than a nominal head of the judiciary.
26 The inevitably open texture of such a document leaves a great degree of discretion in the hands of the judiciary.
27 Many will see Mr De Klerk's decision as a back-handed tribute to the independence of the judiciary.
28 Its big annual event in Dade County, a banquet honoring the judiciary, just made me impatient.
29 Less pressing, but still ubiquitous, is a sensitivity towards the reactions, actual or anticipated, of the higher judiciary.
30 He first came to national prominence as a member of the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation.
More similar words: judicialjudicial branchjudicial reviewjudiciousbeneficiaryprejudiceadjudicatefiduciarydiaryincendiaryauxiliarypecuniaryludicrouspenitentiaryofficialrudimentarymusicianofficiallymedicinephysiciansuperficialpatricianpoliticianbeneficialtechnicianartificialdictionaryappendicitisdictionary orderalternative medicine
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