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Fugitive in a sentence

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Sentence count:88+1Posted:2017-02-10Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: passingrunawaytemporarytransientSimilar words: punitivepositivecognitivesensitiveprimitivecompetitivepositivelyinitiativeMeaning: ['fjuːdʒɪtɪv]  n. 1. someone who flees from an uncongenial situation 2. someone who is sought by law officers; someone trying to elude justice. adj. lasting for a markedly brief time. 
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31) Maria confronts and explores her own jealousy through her obsession with the fugitive on the rooftops.
32) His hair was dark brown and he was struggling to grow a mustache that only made him look like a fugitive.
33) Hypocrites! he thought, and entertained a fugitive idea that Bella and Jim needed him.
34) Policy was inconsistent in Missouri and Kentucky; some commanders permitted fugitive slaves to remain within their lines and others excluded them.
35) Below her there were fugitive glimpses of a winding thread of water that was the canal.
36) Other beneficiaries include an international financier and fugitive, Marc Rich; a leftist radical convicted of conspiring to bomb the U.S.
37) The pro-slavery compromise of the Constitution which required the rendition of fugitive slaves was abrogated.
38) They wanted state authorities to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act to avoid establishing new precedents for national intervention in state affairs.
39) You can enjoy an exhibition that gives a vivid account of the fugitive King's perilous adventures.
40) She was in his mind's eye now, like a fugitive from some more perfect place.
41) He might have discussed it with his staff and opposed clemency for the fugitive businessman.
42) His is one of the great fugitive stories of our time.
43) As an additional consequence, fugitive slaves would be free as soon as they crossed the southern boundary of the North.
44) He paid rare and fugitive visits to us.
44) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
45) The police are pursuing after a fugitive.
46) The journalist is concerned only with the fugitive moment.
47) The thick woods covered the fugitive.
48) The rebel leader was a fugitive from justice.
49) It's membership is fugitive, but the institution requires continuity.
50) So you're a handyman and a fugitive architect?
51) Oh, the terror of being a fugitive from justice!
52) Huck was a fugitive slave.
53) The fugitive was delivered to his home country.
54) His shoulder had felt her fugitive touch.
55) He sat in an airline seat next to Dante Arete[], the fugitive still chained to his arm by a pair of nickel-plated steel bracelets.
56) Its fugitive Dalai Lama and his "government-in-exile" have found refuge in India since 1959—and China blames him, and by extension his hosts, for the continued rebelliousness in his homeland.
57) Ten years is a long time in this fugitive world.
58) While Qui-Gon Jinn was escorting the fugitive Queen Amidala from Tatooine to Coruscant, Darth Maul swept down from above, lunging at Qui-Gon from his rocketing Sith speeder.
59) The reinforcing fibers are provided in the form of cut fiber bundles with a finish composition coating the fibers and forming fugitive inter-fiber bonds within each cut fiber bundle.
60) A fugitive drug trafficker was captured after two decades on the run.
More similar words: punitivepositivecognitivesensitiveprimitivecompetitivepositivelyinitiativedefinitiveinquisitivelegitimacylegitimateillegitimateillegitimacyvotivenativeactivemotivesensitivityfurtiveadaptivenegativecreativeabortivedeductiverelativeactivelyincentivesuperlativeaddictive
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