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Flora in a sentence

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Sentence count:250Posted:2017-03-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: botanyplantplant lifevegetationSimilar words: floridexplorationflourfloutflowflopfloatflockMeaning: ['flɔːrə]  n. 1. all the plant life in a particular region or period 2. a living organism lacking the power of locomotion. 
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91. Wild fauna and flora are important integrants of ecosystem.
92. It's only reasonable , as Flora Manhood saw it.
93. He had asked Flora for the Croydens'file.
94. All plants [ flora ] need water and light.
95. Flora Manhood had to shift her dead arm.
96. Antibiotics produce a selective change in flora.
97. New records of oleaceous flora from China.
98. The subtropical island has a remarkably rich native flora.
99. Podocarpus neriifolius is an ancient subtropical relict flora species.
100. Flora Manhood squealed , her eye on the Torte.
101. Flora Manhood had never taken part in a mystery.
102. Zygophyllum xanthaxylum (Bunge) Maxim. is an important component of desert flora with important ecological value.
103. Lactoferrin promotes intestinal health by scavenging iron and balancing healthy flora in the GI tract.
104. This paper supplements 7 species of Papaveraceae[], which have not been recorded in Flora of Henan. Besides the scientific names of some taxons are revised here.
105. Cabell had all but isolated himself, disappearing for long walks from which he would return with samples of native rock or flora.
106. Allan : Flora , what Christmas gift you expected to get?
107. The flora belongs to the Yunnan Plateau Region of Sino-Himalayan Subkingdom , East Asiatic Kingdom in floristic regionalization.
108. Its floristic characteristics included more monotypic genera, obvious advantage phenomenon, less particular plants and complex and diversified geographical composition of plant flora.
109. The power which makes organic matter transform into biogenic gas is the combined action of methanogenic bacteria and correlated microbial flora.
110. Methods: Mice were given antibiotic to produce the model of the imbalance of intestinal flora.
111. The publication of the Asteraceae, very usefully revised, will be the next major milestone of the Flora, and it should take place before the end of this year.
112. The dynamic quantitative analysis made in alteration in the intestinal flora in 20 of 39 infants.
113. Objective To observe the effect of filtrate of normal human fresh dejecta on intestinal flora alteration.
114. The floristic features and geographical distribution of the Alismataceae flora in Hubei.
114. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
115. S. university herbaria and twelfth across the nation. The site provides of the center's introduction , history, staff, publications, Flora of Texas Database and Mexican Vascular Plant Database etc.
116. A flora is a book or other work describing the flora of a given area.
117. Species diversity, flora diversity, community diversity and ecological diversity of myxomycetes from the Changbai mountains were studied systematically in this paper.
118. The components and ecological characteristics of pteridophyte were depicted and the characteristics of flora were analyzed as well.
119. Wu is the flora of North China - semi - arid grassland vegetation forest flora Cong.
120. While cheatgrass can tolerate such frequent burns the native flora cannot.
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