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Far in a sentence

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Sentence count:273+67Posted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: a great dealdistantmuchremoteremovedAntonym: closecloselynearnearlySimilar words: par.barcarfanfarefarmforfurMeaning: [fɑr /fɑː]  n. a terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the government dominated by Tutsi and to institute Hutu control again. adj. 1. at a great distance in time or space or degree 2. being of a considerable distance or length 3. being the animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle 4. beyond a norm in opinion or actions. adv. 1. to a considerable degree; very much 2. at or to or from a great distance in space 3. at or to a certain point or degree 4. remote in time 5. to an advanced stage or point. 
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91 She thought the film far too violent to show to children.
92 The reason why people give up so quickly is because they look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have come.
93 He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net.
94 He had thus far succeeded in fending off my conversational sallies.
95 The fireplace projects from the wall rather too far into the room, taking up a lot of space.
96 Our ambiguous, so far.
97 I've never played ice hockey - it's far too dangerous.
98 Diplomacy has so far failed to bring an end to the fighting.
99 Turn left at the corner and keep on as far as the church.
100 'I can walk home.' 'Don't be silly-it's much too far!'
101 They were as far removed from the ethos of terrorism as you could imagine.
102 Mental attitude plays a far more important role in a person's success or failure than mental capacity.
103 No matter how far away forever, I will protect you everything.
104 Approached you,approached the pain away from you,far away the happiness.
105 We export our products to countries as far afield as Japan and Canada.
106 The innumerable stars in the sky are too far from us.
107 I agree things look difficult, but the situation is far from irretrievable.
108 France and Germany invest far more per capita in public transport than Britain.
109 Take a few minutes to appreciate what you have and how far you've come.
110 It was by far the worst speech he had ever made.
111 How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerate of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of this.
112 He hopes to live in although his home is not far from the college.
113 So far, there has been very little violence on the picket line.
114 If you lean too far towards the water, you might fall in.
115 To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there.
116 That elastic band will snap if you stretch it too far.Sentencedict
117 I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time.
118 The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.
119 Some of the teachers are technical specialists, but this is far from universal.
120 The alcoholic strength of brandy far exceeds that of wine.
More similar words: par.barcarfanfarefarmforfurjarwarairarmartasatbadbanbarebarnbatbaycabcancapcardcarecartdaddamday
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