1. None so deaf
as those that won't hear.

2. Too swift arrives
as tardy as too slow.

3. Jack is
as good as his master.

4. When in Rome, do
as the Romans do.

5. Things rashly taken end
as ill.

6. Take the world
as one finds it.

As the touchstone tries gold, so gold tries man.

As long as ever you can.

9. A friend is,
as it were, a second self.

10. Man errs so long
as he strives.

As a man sows, so he shall reap.

As the wind blows, you must set your sail.

13. All great truths begin
as blasphemise.

14. Hatred is blind
as well as love.

15. One must drink
as one brews.

16. None so blind
as those who won't see.

17. Nothing so certain [sure]
as death.

As we sow, so shall we reap.

18. Wish you will love sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!
As the life is, so is the end.

20. Choose an author
as you choose a friend.

21. Nothing so necessary for travellers
as languages.

22. When you are at Rome, do
as Rome does.

23. Do in Rome
as the Romans do.

24. Reap
as (or what) one has sown.

25. So much is mine
as I enjoy.

As is the husband, so is the wife.

As the tree falls, so shall it lie.

28. Use a book
as a bee does flowers.

29. When you go to Rome, do
as Rome does.

30. Take the world
as it is.

1. She is as graceful as a swan.
2. He works as a recorder in the city court.
3. You are here as an observer.
4. He was criticised as a weak and indecisive leader.
5. I'll get back as quick as I can.
6. I'd like to see Europe as a nuclear-free zone.
7. Her success as a popular singer was ephemeral.
8. He impressed me as an honest person.
9. Sam is as rich as Alexander.
10. His hair was as white as snow.
11. As a teacher, she had a reputation for eccentricity.
12. I take it as a personal injury.
13. The sauce coagulated as it cooled down.
14. The volcanic lava solidifies as it cools.
15. Dr Kengerli looks to Turkey as his mother country.
16. We shall notify you as soon as he arrives.
17. I look upon this as my home.
18. Wearing a hat is regarded as rather old-fashioned nowadays.
18. Wish you will love sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!
19. He enlisted as a volunteer in the army.
20. The man was suspected as an accomplice.
21. You are as old as you feel.
22. Most of the population there are reckoned as uneducated.
23. He looked as if he had seen a ghost.
24. The group was characterized as being well-educated and liberal.
25. As the unrest continued, the death toll rose .
26. He resigned his post as headmaster.
27. She works in the hairdresser's as an apprentice.
28. Sweat poured down his face as he ran.
29. Staff watched in horror as he set himself alight.
30. The rod bent as he pulled in the fish.