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Expectation in a sentence

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Sentence count:189+12Posted:2017-01-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: anticipationarithmetic meanexpected valuefirst momentoutlookprospectSimilar words: affectationdelectationexpectexploitationexpectedunexpectedexpeditioninspectionMeaning: [‚ekspek'teɪʃn]  n. 1. belief about (or mental picture of) the future 2. wishing with confidence of fulfillment 3. the feeling that something is about to happen 4. the sum of the values of a random variable divided by the number of values. 
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121. Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy - the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectationEric Hoffer 
122. He expected to die, but the expectation was always of something remote, deferred.
123. It is likely to slip further, as exporters delay converting foreign exchange into pesos in the self-fulfilling expectation that it will.
124. To love without need or without expectation of restitution, that is how we ought to love. Criss Jami 
125. How do you break free from the expectation that your stories will be heavily dosed with magic realism?
126. What makes earth feel like hell is our expectation that it should feel like heaven. Chuck Palahniuk 
127. So much can depend on the kind of expectation on which an arrangement is entered upon.
128. I was astonished when we began walking down the now weed-strewn path to feel a familiar feeling of fear and expectation.
129. For quite some time he lived with the expectation that he was going to die.
130. Here the individual might have a legitimate expectation that the licence would be renewed.
131. As the banks were rather steep the defenders spent several days cutting entrenchments and embrasures in expectation of battle.
132. Rewarding performance Motivation is a choice to channel energy into certain activities in the expectation that valued goals will be rewarded.
133. They presumed that Jaq was honing his soul serenely in expectation of sacrifice.
134. He accepted the arguments of an independent actuary that policyholders' realistic expectation they should benefit from inherited estates was limited.
135. She was given a very short expectation of life by the doctors.
136. An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality. Brian Tracy 
137. Lord Denning M.R. stated that where there was no legitimate expectation of being heard there was no requirement for a hearing.
138. The physiological significance of the findings in diarrhoea predominant irritable bowel syndrome patients, which were contrary to expectation[], is unknown.
139. About seven more years had been added to expectation of life up to 1901, after which the pace accelerated sharply.
140. She decided to delay the moment, however[Sentence dictionary], and increase her expectation by leaving the letter until later on.
141. Expectation had been rampant throughout June but, come the pre-season friendlies of August, football fever had reached dizzy heights.
142. Life expectation at birth is about 45 years in developing countries and more than 70 years in developed countries.
143. At least that was the expectation as 8,000 people gathered in a vast, beautiful hall in London last month.
144. The whole town are all agog with expectation.
145. Their achievements were answerable to expectation.
146. His smooth, speculative face is composed to benevolent expectation.
147. His new book did not come up to expectation.
148. What is the role of expectation in information processing?
149. His mind was throbbing with expectation.
150. Breakout Four : How to bridge the design expectation gap?
More similar words: affectationdelectationexpectexploitationexpectedunexpectedexpeditioninspectionintrospectionagitationannotationgestationstationerydenotationexplanationexplorationspeculationconnotationstationarylimitationinvitationnation-stateorientationconsultationdeforestationpresentationdissertationconfrontationprecipitationargumentation
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