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Engineering in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+21Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: applied scienceengine roomengineering sciencetechnologySimilar words: engineerpioneeringenginebring incoming inofferingmotheringgatheringMeaning: [‚endʒɪ'nɪə]  n. 1. the practical application of science to commerce or industry 2. the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems 3. a room (as on a ship) in which the engine is located. 
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(241) Such categorizations are not entirely dissimilar from those that one might use in the arts or in engineering.
(242) But the greatest coup of all was engineering publication of her side of the story of her failed marriage.
(243) Engineering graduates have been desirable for several years now, and this year is no exception.
(244) He was educated in a Nonconformist academy; his abilities lay in mathematics, engineering, and business administration.
(245) Successful engineering students tended to be contemptuous of the work habits of lesser mortals.
(246) In Coventry Sir William Lyons produced wonderful engineering and style-but he didn't believe his cars should cost the earth.
(247) I progressed happily through differential equations and linear algebra to upper-level engineering courses on time-series analysis and computer programming.
(248) The engineering and design function was likewise consolidated into a single vertically aligned group.
(249) The engineering contracts say that if disputes are not resolved by the engineer they have to be settled by arbitration.
(250) Constructed to an exceptionally high specification and standard[], they have associated mechanical and electrical engineering services.
(251) The money is earmarked for engineering, marketing and sales of the start-up's customer satisfaction software.
(252) Top management views concurrent engineering as something the lower levels learn and apply.
(253) In her highly controversial book, Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare?
(254) Why are engineering, medicine and agriculture not all grouped together as applied sciences?
(255) But his principal contribution was in the field of civil engineering, as a builder of road and railway bridges.
(256) Many industrial production managers have a college degree in business administration or industrial engineering.
(257) Encourage research and development in the recognition, assessment and management of engineering risks and disseminate the findings.
(258) Beginning Friday, the Civic will co-star in a new science-fiction thriller about genetic engineering, called Gattaca.
(258) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(259) And so standards, in engineering, were not seen as the stalking-horse for some elitist social agenda.
(260) The research activities of the department are very wide, encompassing most areas of chemical engineering.
(261) He said the proposals would have to be approved by the engineering department.
(262) The company promised last month to reorganize its loss-making Cunard and engineering units and to sell assets.
(263) Engineering and construction company Tomoe Corp., for example, is up 13 percent.
(264) It provides photogrammetric mapping services for engineering work, earthwork volume calculations, environmental studies and town work.
(265) The current status and future directions ofenvironmental engineering are also elaborated on.
(266) Using subgrade and roadbed as case, the paper discusses the follow - up value of engineering dossier.
(267) The college student . majoring in electrical engineering . is changing electric lamp in his house.
(268) The model DL - 8 multiple valve can also be used in hydraulic systems in other engineering machinery.
(269) The construction includes: Sewage disposal plant and sewage collection system engineering of town.
(270) College or above, major in Electrical, Automation or Mechanical - Electrical Engineering.
More similar words: engineerpioneeringenginebring incoming inofferingmotheringgatheringfilteringpioneernomineemarineenter intodoctrineringmanagingemergingbringdebuggingduringstringring outring upencouragingbring upbring outdischargingspring upbring downbearings
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