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Filtering in a sentence

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Sentence count:239Posted:2016-08-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: filtergatheringofferingmotheringenter intopioneeringengineeringbuilding materials
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1. A little daylight was filtering through the curtains.
2. New ideas are slowly filtering into people's minds.
3. The doors opened and people started filtering through.
4. More details about the crash are filtering through.
5. Around 11 o'clock the crowds start filtering out of the cinema.
6. Previous attempts at filtering and oxygenating aquarium water had
7. My secretary is very good at filtering my calls .
8. Daylight was filtering through the shutters when he woke up.
9. You can purify water by boiling and filtering it.
10. The filtering effects are greatly reduced.
11. The system purifies water by filtering it through sand.
12. With data filtering one pays the price of decreasing the effective library redundancy and increasing the number of hybridisations.
13. In the patchy moonlight filtering down through the latticework of branches above, he could see no lurking figures.
14. Studies of vertical filtering of information have found four frequently used methods for improving one's chances of success, i.e. promotion.
15. Electronic media, filtering tone of voice and body language out of messages, also hinder feedback regarding how recipients are reacting.
16. With suitable lowpass filtering either type of signal can be smoothed to produce a proper audio output.
17. Inevitably[], filtering action is accompanied by a frequency-dependent phase shift.
18. In contrast to filtering the single-copy hybridisation data, false negatives have a higher effect on the correct determination of patterns.
19. Noise was already filtering through from the lounge and the veranda, where the house guests had gathered.
20. The light filtering in was enough to reveal a darkly gleaming surface of water, turbulent, continually rising.
21. The filtering function of lymphatic tissue enables the tonsils and adenoids to trap pathogens.
22. Hierarchies have developed to manage effectively the filtering of information needed to tackle tasks cooperatively.
23. A commercial filtering medium now on the market combines activated carbon and an ion exchange resin.
24. All Scathach could see was the forest and what appeared to be the flickering of light filtering through the thinning canopy.
25. Nonlinear wave packets serve as internal carriers of the external system dynamics, accomplishing the filtering of large dimensional signals.
26. As a result, the databases of prohibited sites in these filtering programs must be continually updated.
27. Electronic bulk mailers have ways to disguise their messages that can frustrate even sophisticated filtering software.
28. This plant likes moving water and grows well when placed next to the filtering system, which enhances their normally slow growth.
29. She slept unexpectedly soundly, and when she next opened her eyes, daylight was filtering in through the rather grimy window.
30. Then he kneels near the bed, the cigarette smoke filtering up into his eyes.
More similar words: filtergatheringofferingmotheringenter intopioneeringengineeringbuilding materialsaltershelteralternativefulfillingringmaterialinteriorbacteriacriteriabringring outring upstringduringmysteriousbring upbring outbring inspring upbearingsbring downcharacterize
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