Synonym: adjustment, administration, arrangement, character, inclination, nature, order, settlement, temperament. Similar words: predisposition, position, composition, imposition, supposition, opposition, positioning, proposition. Meaning: [‚dɪspə'zɪʃn] n. 1. your usual mood 2. the act or means of getting rid of something 3. an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others 4. a natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency in a person or thing.
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61. Figure I 5. 1 b shows the disposition of wastes treated by commercial facilities within Ohio.
62. Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts. Mother Teresa
63. But such rectitude could only come when the inner disposition was right.
64. Of liberal disposition, he opened Thirlestane House to the public and it became one of the greatest attractions of Cheltenham.
65. The disposition of an individual's estate need not be a difficult thing.
66. A cheerful and supportive disposition is what you are being assessed for.
67. They determine whether to sentence him to prison, confine him in a psychiatric facility or make some other appropriate disposition.
67. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
68. Never did she show any disposition to leave my chapel, where her repose was respected.
69. It makes a fine coupling for the E flat Quartet, being of a comparably sunny disposition.
70. A disposition to incremental change can deflect one from considering or even comprehending wider and more fundamental problems.
71. They also accept that the brain has certain innate dispositions, if only the disposition to be reinforced by particular stimuli.
72. Nor do I think that it is disgraceful if two men of a loving disposition should set up home together.
73. I c shows the disposition of wastes managed by commercial facilities in other states.
74. Worse still are cases in which only the jurist seems to be in doubt as to what kind of disposition is involved.
75. For those of melancholy or saturnine disposition, the means had to be found for inducing receptivity toward Jovian or solar influx.
76. This case concerned a disposition by three adult children in favour of their father and his mortgagees.
77. There are actually also instances in which the petitioners describe a disposition as both.
78. It is in the proposed causal origins of this enduring disposition towards crime that the different theories diverge.
79. Looking at the time lag between the filing of a claim and final disposition is in any event a crude measure.
80. It is in the features of this sociable disposition rather than in societal structure that the chimpanzee most resembles man.
81. The conservative is led by disposition, not unmixed with pecuniary self-interest[], to adhere to the familiar and the established.
82. He has a wry sense of humour and an uncompromising disposition, particularly when it comes to talking about deeds of valour.
83. This wide disposition yielded felicitous effects of colour and tone which always fell pleasingly on the ear.
84. Early in his career Thornton appears to have had a clear idea of the disposition of his circuit.
85. Is it possible to explain the asymmetry by way of a clear idea of power or capacity, ability, or disposition?
86. Constantine's position was not so surprising in an essentially pagan potentate of warlike disposition.
87. The disposition settled upon negated her previous plans for Alice to go with her to Washington as a private secretary-of sorts.
88. The precise disposition, organisation and arrangement of these two discourses constitutes the basic fabric of Nizan's fictional technique.
89. She had a pleasant disposition and always had a twinkle in her eyes.
90. But Thieu Tri had chosen him as heir because of his mild disposition, and visitors to his court confirmed his moderation.
More similar words: predisposition, position, composition, imposition, supposition, opposition, positioning, proposition, juxtaposition, positive, dispose of, positively, predispose, predisposed, transition, dispensation, inquisition, acquisition, deposit, spanish inquisition, repository, situation, edition, tuition, volition, ambition, sedition, addition, fruition, munitions.