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Discouragement in a sentence

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Sentence count:40+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: disheartenmentdismaySimilar words: encouragementdiscouragediscouragedengagementmanagementcouragediscoursediscountMeaning: [dɪ'skʌrɪdʒmənt]  n. 1. the feeling of despair in the face of obstacles 2. the expression of opposition and disapproval 3. the act of discouraging. 
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1. He persevered despite discouragement from those around him.
2. The loud music was a discouragement to conversation.
3. Uncertainty is a discouragement to investment.
4. In research, times of discouragement alternate with times of great achievement.
5. In discussing her feelings, she expressed anger and discouragement with her husband.
6. New ideas are often eroded by subtle discouragement rather than by explicit vetoes.
7. An ancient discouragement welled up in his chest, the feeling of a loveless moment.
8. Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. Dale Carnegie 
9. Its cadres were decimated, whether through discouragement, capitulation, imprisonment,( or outright murder.
10. A smile is nature's best antidote for discouragement.
11. He plunged back into the deepest discouragement.
12. It is a discouragement to me.
13. She sighed as discouragement thickened around her.
14. This disease of doubtfulness and discouragement is an epidemic which soon spreads amongst the Lord's flock.
15. A feeling of discouragement for the moment bore down heavily upon him.
16. Against discouragement appearances that might have led her to doubt, she trusted the Saviour's love.
17. The unfavorable reviews of his first novel were a great discouragement to him.
18. The rise in fuel prices is intended to act as a discouragement to car users from using their cars.
19. Sometimes a sympathetic friend can be a constant source of discouragement, all unknowingly.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. It is as if the entire party structure and philosophy had been geared towards the exclusion of participation and the discouragement of debate.
21. And her reaction to her illness was, as best I can glean, fraught with fear, discouragement, and depression.
22. They are a kind of a never-ending source of amusement, amazement, and discouragement.
23. These things are not written under any feeling of discouragement, much less to discourage others.
24. Surely, the sanguine tone seemed out of place; maybe it was meant to mask deep discouragement.
25. Protecting your self-confidence Remember that you are not alone in experiencing discouragement.
26. Our reaction to the court's decision is one of discouragement and disappointment.
27. Sandys was able to keep up emigration, but death and discouragement meant the population hardly rose above 1,000.
28. Over the years, I've debated whether the worst enemy is procrastination or discouragement.
29. Attendance figures had been steadily dropping, creating a mood of doom and discouragement among theatre directors.
30. The very instant you whole-heartedly turn away from every symptom of distrust and discouragement, the blessed Holy Spirit will quicken your faith and inbreathe Divine strength into your soul.
More similar words: encouragementdiscouragediscouragedengagementmanagementcouragediscoursediscountencouragecourageousarrangementacknowledgementviscousdiscorddiscordantencouragingcommencementfragmentelementmovementbasementamusementamazementabasementplacementimplementstatementagreementexcitementelementary
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