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Brawl in a sentence

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Sentence count:66+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: fracasquarrelracketriotSimilar words: brawlingdrawlcrawlscrawlsprawlscrawledcrawlingsprawlingMeaning: [brɔːl]  n. 1. an uproarious party 2. a noisy fight in a crowd. v. to quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively. 
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1 They got caught up in a street brawl.
2 He had been in a drunken street brawl.
3 Did you take part in the brawl yesterday?
4 Tom got into a drunken brawl in a bar.
5 Police officers were injured in a mass brawl outside a nightclub.
6 They had nothing better to do than brawl in the street.
7 Daley, like this town, relished a political brawl.
8 Several witnesses said that Slatter started the brawl.
9 The brawl apparently started with a disagreement between two students over a female.
10 He was knocked out in a brawl at a Hollywood restaurant, suffering a broken jaw and three shattered teeth.
11 And there was almost a mass brawl 10 minutes before the break after Mark Robson was axed by Gianfranco Parlato.
12 Louima, a security guard, was arrested in a brawl outside a nightclub in August 1997.
13 A climactic scene is a brawl between the wife and husband on a ski-slope about his extra-marital affair.
14 He got his face cut in a brawl outside a nightclub.
15 The young men had nothing better to do than brawl in the streets.
16 He died as a result of injuries received in a street brawl.
17 He was hauled before the disciplinary committee after a video showed him clashing with opposition scrum-half Mike Ford during a brawl.
18 They are extremely handsome and sensual(, and glory in a drunken brawl.
19 But referee Ed Morrison's leniency led to bad blood spilling over in a six-man brawl as Richards looked for revenge.
20 Cath from T-shirts is on crutches after treading barefoot on broken glass trying to break up a skinhead brawl.
21 LYDBROOK/Gloucestershire Time allowed 00:23 Read in studio Eight police officers were injured in a mass brawl outside a nightclub.
22 An arranged marriage of eighteen years came to an end when her abusive husband was murdered in a brawl.
23 Twice he had seriously wounded men in duels, and finally he had run another junior officer through in a tavern brawl.
24 The news media are increasingly inclined to engage in, or report on,[] the verbal brawl.
25 And he ... Well, he enjoyed every moment of it, as though he liked nothing better than a brawl.
26 This altered Romeo strikes us as oddly passive after Juliet is exiled for killing his cousin Tybalt in a street brawl.
27 He sat shame-faced as a court heard that his career was in tatters because of the stag night brawl.
28 Meanwhile Leeds and Spurs were fined £150,000 each after the brawl at Elland Road.
29 Many of their beer parties ended in a drunken brawl.
30 She had lost her eye when she was fifteen, in a brawl with the Gaschuggers outside Welcome, Arizona.
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