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Detective in a sentence

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Sentence count:191+18Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: investigatorpolice detectivetecSimilar words: protectivedetectobjectiveperspectivecollectiveeffectivelyrespectivelyeffectivenessMeaning: [-tɪv]  n. 1. a police officer who investigates crimes 2. an investigator engaged or employed in obtaining information not easily available to the public. 
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(121) The criminal is the creative artist; the detective only the critic. G.K. Chesterton 
(122) I wanted to stay and read the latest Encyclopedia Brown detective story.
(123) If I were a store detective, I'd never have let me out of there without a body search.
(124) I'm a detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
(125) Detective Jake Gittes, tricked by Cross into smearing Mulwray, does not escape the compulsion to repeat.
(126) It is true that on first arriving at the scene of the crime the detective may have no pre-conceived ideas.
(127) A detective course is among a number of vocational studies planned to run alongside traditional academic courses from September next year.
(128) The victim, a detective constable, tried to arrest the accused.
(129) Malcolm Ainslie is a disillusioned Catholic priest turned unfaithful husband and crack Miami homicide detective.
(130) So is Joe Mantegna, as the homicide detective assigned to the case, telling her to let the law handle it.
(131) He had never been inside a police station, had never met a private detective, had never spoken to a criminal.
(132) Chandler turned to detective fiction after being fired from his job at an oil company because of his drinking problem.
(133) It takes a bit of detective work to trace the symptom back to the cause.
(134) Should you wish advice from the world's greatest detective you may enquire for me at the Rose and Crown.
(135) Meryl followed the young detective constable to the library door with a sick feeling in her stomach.
(136) Ian Walker, prosecuting, said a store detective spotted Melia going into a cubicle to try the jeans on.
(137) Perhaps there had once been a private detective in New York with that name.
(138) It came to Blake in a flash that the man was really a detective.
(139) But they can also be used to play the game that is the simple blueprint detective story.
(140) This is the sort of book in which the amateur detective, modern-style, is a much more credible figure.
(141) Key elements are missing, primarily the complexities, surprises and textures of the detective stories.
(142) In fact tying a pollution to its source can be a tricky piece of detective work.
(143) This is the detective novel or the crime novel which makes its comments on life through humour rather than more directly.
(144) And finally the detective must uncover the murderer by logical deduction from facts fairly put before the reader.
(145) Edward is a private detective hired by an antiques dealer who asked Edward to list all of the valuables in the house.
(146) This person claims to be a great detective and yet he has detected nothing(, nothing at all.
(147) So it would take more years of dogged detective work by a handful of investigators to connect the dots.
(148) The three of them, with four detective constables, would set the ball rolling.
(149) Some of the storekeepers had banded together to hire their own detective force; so had the railroads and hotels.
(150) After they filed their report, a detective was assigned to the case to investigate.
More similar words: protectivedetectobjectiveperspectivecollectiveeffectivelyrespectivelyeffectivenessirrespective ofprotectionactiveactivelydistinctiveattractiveproductiveactive transportenvironmental protectionarchitectarchitecturenativemotiveactivityactivistincentiverelativesectioncognitivesensitivesupportivenarrative
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