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Desire in a sentence

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Sentence count:238+29Posted:2016-11-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: fancylustwantwishAntonym: disappointSimilar words: designdesignsbesidesdesign fordesignerdesignationdeskmodestMeaning: [dɪ'zaɪə]  n. 1. the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state 2. an inclination to want things 3. something that is desired. v. 1. feel or have a desire for; want strongly 2. expect and wish 3. express a desire for. 
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151. The team were goaded on by their desire to be first to complete the course.
152. He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people.
153. He felt he was nothing more to her than an object of desire.
154. She felt a surge of love and desire for him.
155. Their desire for independence has to do with brute economics.
156. The desire for peace will weigh heavily on the negotiators.
157. The desire for money is at the bottom of much of the world's violence.
158. He maintained his composure despite a desperate desire to laugh.
159. These youngsters are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but by fear of failure.
160. They were motivated by a deep desire for money and fame.
161. As soon as a desire is requited,it is always replaced by another.
162. At this point, it is worth mentioning that many people who were adopted as babies have no desire to meet their biological parents.
163. I have to combat this constant desire to eat chocolate.
164. There is a strong desire for peace among the people.
165. In 1990 Poland signified its desire to join the Council.
166. She had a strong desire to be a dancer but failed to make the grade.
167. Most people are in accord with their desire for peace.
168. All human activity is prompted by desireBertrand Russell 
169. Love is often gentle, desire always a rage. Mignon McLaughlin 
170. Desire creates thought. Thought produces action. Dr T.P.Chia 
171. When desire dies, fear is born. Baltasar Gracian 
172. The less you desire, the happier you are! Dr T.P.Chia 
173. I do desire we may be better strangers. William Shakespeare 
174. Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. Robert Frost 
175. The intelligent desire self-control; children want candy. Rumi 
176. No desire, no motivation, no success. Dr T.P.Chia 
177. There is enough light for those who desire to see, and enough obscurity for those who have a contrary disposition. Blaise Pascal 
178. Desire is not a wish or a hope - it's a dynamic passion burning in the mind and heart. Dr T.P.Chia 
179. The desire of death will not always lead you to death but the fear of death will. Santosh Kalwar 
180. Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in. Leonardo da Vinci 
More similar words: designdesignsbesidesdesign fordesignerdesignationdeskmodestdesertthesistirewirehiredessertdescenddestroydespiteresignbesideresistdesperatedesolatedescribeobesitysatireadmiredirectfire upon fireretire
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