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Design for in a sentence

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Sentence count:236Posted:2016-08-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: designdesignsdesignerresignsign onassignsign insignal
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1. We have submitted a design for approval.
2. They design for New York.
3. Henry Luce had a grand design for America's future.
4. Draw a rough design for a logo.
5. It is all part of his grand design for government.
6. They drew up the design for the house in a week.
7. I've been fiddling about with this design for ages, but I'm still not happy with it.
8. The artist has sketched out a design for the new school.
9. He's come up with a really good design for a solar-powered car.
10. The improvement of the design for the next occasion.
11. Q: What exercise program did you design for yourself?
12. Design for residential areas gets three percent; speed reduction measures less than one percent.
13. Dolan came up with the design for the product, Friobox,( for.html) and the company was set up a year ago.
14. Anything less promising as a design for living in the desert is hard to imagine.
15. Other features include the attachment design for the Yeti Attak Gaiter and Cambrelle inner lining.
16. Had he, I wondered, based his design for the Chalice Well cover on an earlier cover?
17. So, for instance, a processor could optimize its design for the problem in hand.
18. The combination of adobe construction and design for solar heat gain, is one of the few vital ideas in architecture today.
19. They were the sturdy facade,( the ulterior design for a very canny flow of resources.
20. First, consider this design for a two-stage experiment with rats.
21. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future. It is something you design for the present.
22. He then tried out these elements on an abortive design for Halifax Town Hall, before the competition officially had started.
23. He could scrape together financing for a deal as well as sketch out the design for an attractive development.
24. The architects say the carbon fibre structure is a design for the nineties.
25. Studying the body clock for extended periods of time Consider the following experimental design for a volunteer studied on his own.
26. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. Jim Rohn 
27. City planners have been working for years on a new design for the plaza.
28. An ex-scientific illustration student from the Blackpool College will help to produce the illustrations and design for the pack in September 1991.
29. These will handle reliable distributed data and transaction delivery, scalable parallel processing and capacity planning and design for database environments.
30. But all the while he was learning and soon the time had come when he was no longer satisfied to design for others.
More similar words: designdesignsdesignerresignsign onassignsign insignalbesidessignatureassignmentsignificantsignificancelose sight ofsignificantlyunfoldinformenforcein forceon footgo in forinformalreinforcesighmodestdesertinformationin return forenforcementdessert
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