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Cutlery in a sentence

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Sentence count:105+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cuttercutting tooleating utensilSimilar words: outletgalleryscuttlehitlersculleryartilleryadolf hitleroutlawMeaning: ['kʌtlərɪ]  n. 1. a cutting implement; a tool for cutting 2. tableware implements for cutting and eating food. 
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1 The top drawer is the one with the cutlery in.
2 We had no fridge, cooker, cutlery or crockery.
3 Shef - field is famous for its cutlery.
4 The cutlery is plate, not solid silver.
5 They would like crockery and cutlery as wedding presents.
6 Where do you keep the cutlery?
7 Put the cutlery in the drawer.
8 We keep the cutlery in the kitchen.
9 She arranged plates and cutlery on a small table.
10 You'll find the cutlery in its usual place.
11 We bought Charles and Mandy a set of cutlery as a wedding present.
12 They got an entire set of silver cutlery as a wedding present.
13 We're giving them a canteen of cutlery as a wedding present.
14 Crockery, cutlery, cooking utensils,( pillows and blankets.
15 Enter the cross-eyed daughter, bearing wine, plates and cutlery.
16 Keep silver or chrome-plated cutlery away from stainless steel.
17 Cutlery wrapped in singed tissue paper as fire-salvaged stock.
18 Tarnishing on silver-plated cutlery occurs through exposure to sulphides.
19 Pekin dinner service, silver cutlery, crystal glasses, showy white napkins, all in order.
20 Ensure that cutlery which has been cleaned using chemicals gets a thorough washing before going back into the dining room.
21 The most common method of cleaning tarnished silver-plated cutlery is to use specially formulated cleaning fluids in which the cutlery is immersed.
22 The pull-out cutlery drawer can be lifted out for easy unloading.
23 No one would choose to buy cutlery or crockery or curtains or chairs without considering their aesthetic appeal.
24 Stainless steel cutlery Can discolour and pit if left coated with food, so use the pre-wash cycle.
25 Not a blanket, a pillow, a piece of cutlery or crockery remained.
26 He felt a real country bumpkin, sitting in that expensive restaurant, not knowing which cutlery to use.
27 In some parts of the world, it is considered bad manners to pick up food or cutlery with the left hand.
28 Tables are set with white china and gold-banded silver cutlery.
29 A classic for only £25.95. Set a splendid table with our 24-piece, stainless-steel cutlery set from Viners.
30 On the work surface she could see a bowl of salad, the wine bottle and a row of cutlery.
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