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Correctly in a sentence

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Sentence count:153+13Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: incorrectlySimilar words: directlycorrelationcorrespondentcorresponding tostrictlycorridorcurrentlycorruptionMeaning: [kəˈrek(t)lɪ]  adv. in a correct manner. 
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(61) They prophesied correctly that the Conservatives would win the election.
(62) If correctly executed, this shot will give them a better chance of getting the ball close to the hole.
(63) Did I spell your name right? Rightly cannot be used like this. In formal language correctly is used:Is your name spelled correctly?
(64) Position your hands correctly on the shaft of the club.
(65) If my memory serves me correctly , he lived in Paris for a while.
(66) He predicted correctly that there was going to be a stock market crash.
(67) As a writer, he is extremely pernickety about using words correctly.
(68) They reasoned, correctly, that she was away for the weekend.
(69) If the cogs don't mesh correctly, the gears will keep slipping.
(70) Only one person answered all the questions correctly.
(71) Always ensure that the choke chain is positioned correctly.
(72) The break has not healed correctly.
(73) You have not specified the batch queue correctly.
(74) The court was driven to conclude that the jury would not necessarily have convicted had it been correctly directed.
(75) Nearly all the items answered correctly by 40 percent or more of the bottom third pupils require straight forward counting or calculation.
(76) The illustrations were line drawings and she used to colour them in with crayons after each new plant had been correctly named.
(77) My chair with its high back and strong iron wheels is positioned correctly to catch the sun.
(78) You placed bets on what card was going to be drawn and you had to guess correctly to get your money back.
(79) Yet others had correctly calculated that they were too old or their employment patterns too discontinuous to be eligible for pensions.
(80) The physicists lived for the emulsion trails and double checked to see if they were interpreting them correctly.
(81) In a letter from Clark to the governors on August 7, 1967,[] the law on the subject is correctly explained.
(82) A spelling bee is a competition in which people try to correctly spell words.
(83) We were disappointed when we were marked as having correctly classified only 32 solder joints out of the 34.
(84) For example, suppose an investor has correctly anticipated a rise in the price of his or her chosen security.
(85) Asterisks, blanks, initials and general descriptions will not avail, if evidence proves that readers have solved the puzzle correctly.
(86) It was held that the repayments were capital sums and the settlor was correctly assessed to surtax.
(87) If I understand the cultural pattern correctly, they should be more hostile to the people up the hill than to us.
(88) The corruptions in the West have come from man's failure to apply those beliefs correctly.
(89) If you answer correctly, you could win a video camera.
(90) One of the key things for the male is to time his departure from the first female correctly.
More similar words: directlycorrelationcorrespondentcorresponding tostrictlycorridorcurrentlycorruptionrecordrecentlyrecordingdirectdirectorirrespective ofin all directionsdirect investmentworrysorrybarrelarresthorroror rathercurrenthorriblecurrencycorquarrel withcordcorescorn
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