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Director in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+47 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: conductorfilm directormanagermanaging directormusic directortheater directortheatre directorSimilar words: directdirectlyin all directionsdirect investmentsectorcollectorinspectorthe private sectorMeaning: [dɪ'rektə]  n. 1. someone who controls resources and expenditures 2. member of a board of directors 3. someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show 4. the person who directs the making of a film 5. the person who leads a musical group. 
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1) She is accountable only to the managing director.
2) The director resigned in protest at the decision.
3) In 1952 she wed film director Roger Vadim.
4) The director has the most to lose.
5) Did the director say anything against your suggestion?
6) She was upgraded to sales director.
7) The director detailed a group for fatigue duty.
8) I'm well in with my director.
9) The director was not available for comment.
10) He rose through the ranks to become managing director.
11) The Director is currently having talks in the USA.
12) She works as PA to the managing director.
13) The director expresses his sorrow in his film.
14) The director motioned to me to come forward.
15) The first duty of a director is to recce his location.
16) I see that the director has appropriated the best office to his own use.
17) Even the company's director flies coach most of the time.
18) I'll get onto the director and see if he can help.
19) The director of the charity made an impassioned plea for help.
20) There's a board of five directors,[] but she is the Managing Director.
21) They banqueted her royally when she became the director of the company.
22) The new director is likely to make major changes in personnel.
23) I daren't be late for work again or director will call me over the coals.
24) The director tends to establish his relatives in the best jobs.
25) Dr Nussbaum is director of the Civil Liberties Research Unit at King's College, London.
26) The managing director agreed to receive a deputation from the factory.
27) She felt he was degrading her by making her report to the director.
28) If you wish for further explanation, you'd better apply in person to the director.
29) Comparison with his previous movies shows how Lee has developed as a director.
30) These films stand as an epitaph to the great director.
More similar words: directdirectlyin all directionsdirect investmentsectorcollectorinspectorthe private sectoractordoctorfactorfactoryinstructorcontractorcorrectlydirtact onact outfactowiretirehirereckretireadmireon firefire upempirerecallrequire
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