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Corrective in a sentence

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Sentence count:151+1Posted:2017-03-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: correctioncorrectincorrectcorrectlycorrelativeirrespectiveirrespective ofresurrectionMeaning: [-tɪv]  n. a device for treating injury or disease. adj. 1. designed to promote discipline 2. tending or intended to correct or counteract or restore to a normal condition. 
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91 I use two corrective cushions at night, for my left hip and the left shoulder girdle. Even when watching TV, I sit upright and prop my lower arm on the arm of the chair.
92 Objective : To Discuss the effect of the congenital muscular torticollis ( CMT ) corrective operation.
93 Participate the system audit ISO 9001, track the implement of corrective and preventive action.
94 The corrective network is an important component of the missile attitude control system.
95 Are corrective actions in place and understood by relevant staff?
96 Objective: To evaluate the ankle clonus test for the monitoring of the spinal cord function during corrective surgery of scoliosis.
97 For the mythic Le Mans 24 Hour race, TAG Heuer equips the Audi Sport team with award-winning Squadra Night Vision – the world's first opthalmic shield with integrated corrective lenses.
98 BACKGROUND To study the anaesthetic method of corrective operations of infant double - outlet right ventricle.
99 With column switching and corrective factor estimation, a column fixed pattern noise(FPN) reduction structure for CMOS image sensor(CIS) is achieved.
100 Voluntary recall from consumers and corrective actions taken by the importer.
101 Objective : To discuss the corrective diagnosis and microsurgical operation of cysts of Mega cisterna magna.
102 See the equipment operating manual for more detailed information on the fault code and corrective actions.
103 Please investigate and apply the corrective action for computer virus approved by your facility.
104 A model was created to describe the relation of the failure rate and repair rate of the components with the corrective maintenance and the repair time.
105 As a complex system with F/S work type, the radar system on missile can′t be corrective maintenance and its failure effect is critically.
106 Drives continuous improvement and coordinates supplier non - conforming corrective actions ( NCCA ).
107 A consecutive series of 17 patients with malunited dorsally angulated distal radius fracture underwent corrective osteotomy using plates, screws and TCP blocks.
108 Drives continuous improvement and lead supplier non - conforming corrective actions within required time.
109 But his book will provide a valuable corrective to the more fanciful outpourings of Bolivarianism which can be expected in the bicentennial junketing.
110 Sometimes it is necessary to spend considerable time in a critical area to get it just right, but the payoff is in the time saved avoiding corrective painting.
111 Identify problem, its root cause, term fix, long - term corrective action and implementation plan.
112 Calcium: Is the building block for corrective tissue under the skin surface and plays an important role in cell protection.
113 It also analyses the inscape of salary policy and situation of Y[], and point out the major defect and corrective method.
114 Alternaties to corrective osteotomy for intra-articular malunions include excision of osteocartilaginous spurs, arthroplasty, or arthrodesis.
115 The Poetics of Indeterminacy:Rimbaud to Cage, representing Marjorie Perloff's "theoretical maturity", is a corrective reading of contemporary American poetry in its cultural context.
116 The cooling conveyer has the advantages of small occupation area, low energy consumption, fast cooling, automatic deslagging, convenient cleaning, small noise and simple corrective maintenance.
117 Objective: To study the operative effects of the corrective rhinoplasty for saddle nose accompanying flat nasal tip and wide alae via modified butterfly incision.
117 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
118 ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of selective posterior rhizotomy(SPR), local corrective surgery and the training of rehabilitation on the relief of limb spasm secondary to cerebral palsy.
119 The famous Aristotelian distinction between distributive and corrective justice will be discussed elsewhere.
120 A recidivist demonstrates his tattoos while his cellmates give a coarse laugh. The corrective labor colony in Kovrov (240 km from Moscow), 1993.
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