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Commercial in a sentence

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Sentence count:270+26Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: commercial messageSimilar words: summercommentcommencecomment onrecommendmerchantfrom memoryat the mercy ofMeaning: [kə'mɜːʃl]  n. a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television. adj. 1. connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises 2. of or relating to commercialism 3. of the kind or quality used in commerce; average or inferior. 
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121. Some of the commercial activities were a cover for espionage.
122. As regards commercial survival, a car manufacturer capable of making only 50,000 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing.
123. Interrupting an opera on television for a pet-food commercial is going from the sublime to the ridiculous.
124. Polite but lukewarm reviews are the kiss of death for a commercial film.
125. They claim that a commercial port would damage the local tourist industry.
126. Its commercial success as a city is partly due to its excellent rail and road communications.
127. The delay in the programme has dashed Japan's hopes of commercial success in space.
128. After Glass-Steagall most people became commercial bankers.
129. The World Court adjudicates boundary disputes and commercial claims.
130. No commercial airlines have yet resumed service.
131. He went into a basement tavern on Commercial.
132. Imagine, now, a slight alteration in the commercial.
133. Judy said she auditioned for a yogurt commercial.
134. As yet, there is no commercial gas from biomass.
135. One was effective and readily available from commercial breeders.
136. Browns Commercial of Stockton acted for Catchlord.
137. I won't go into the commercial bloodletting that followed.
138. Corporations do not want their commercial secrets spread abroad.
139. The station repeatedly aired a commercial for the tape.
140. This method is the first of its kind,[] and the ministry is considering developing it for commercial application.
141. John Chambers, 35, has been appointed commercial manager responsible for all estimating and purchasing activities.
142. The Navy analysis concluded that 15-inch-thick concrete runways are needed for commercial aircraft.
143. Actions were begun by the employing newspapers alleging nuisance, intimidation, harassment, and interference with commercial contracts.
144. Nor are the skies above frequented by commercial airlines, which eliminates interfering radar signals.
145. The range of services already includes automatic telephones for commercial passenger aircraft.
146. By way of exception, the Regulations do not give the Director General powers in relation to commercial radio and television advertisements or to cable advertisements.
147. Another factor here has been the slow but invaluable installation of Traffic Collision Avoidance System radar in commercial airliners.
148. This would require farmers to apply for planning permission as is the case with other commercial or industrial developments.
149. These courses are independent, free from commercial bias and partners are encouraged to attend.
150. Schiavo is correct in pointing out that there are many aspects of commercial aviation in need of safer practices.
More similar words: summercommentcommencecomment onrecommendmerchantfrom memoryat the mercy ofrecommendationracialsocialspecialcrucialofficialsociallyofficiallyjudicialspecialtyespeciallyfinancialspecializespecialistartificialcommencementsocial servicesfinancial crisiscarcinomasper centfierceperceive
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