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Acoustic in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: acousticalSimilar words: acousticsrusticjusticeinjusticedo justicea couple ofjustifyoustMeaning: [ə'kuːstɪk(l)]  n. a remedy for hearing loss or deafness. adj. of or relating to the science of acoustics. 
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1. The hall has a fine acoustic.
2. Animals use a whole rang of acoustic , visual, and chemical signals in their systems of communication.
3. The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical signals for transmission.
4. She was backed by acoustic guitar, bass and congas.
5. The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical singals for transmission.
6. Possible swap for interesting electric or acoustic.
7. Electric bass, electric and acoustic guitars. b. Tibsheif[], Derbyshire.
8. Increasing the specificity of the acoustic information.
9. Perhaps it is an acoustic source of sound waves.
10. Its unamplified acoustic properties are really quite surprising.
11. In the acoustic shop, a surprising amount of work is carried out by hand.
12. Ovation Legend Custom acoustic, 9 years old, good condition, with case, £850.
13. This acoustic ability of pet cats explains why they sometimes appear to have supernatural powers.
14. Bley plays acoustic piano in duo with Steve Swallow, and their rapport projects extraordinary warmth on this delightful album.
15. The high acoustic quality of the recordings proved to be critical in such cases.
16. The same new acoustic effect has been discovered repeatedly throughout the past century!
17. Deaf people get no acoustic feedback when they talk, so their speech is often impaired.
18. Concerts are held underneath an acoustic overhang erected among trees in the grounds of the Chteau de Florans.
19. It's acoustic and a little more reticent,[] but highly focused and with plenty of absorbing incident.
20. Through an amplifier, the New York maintains its acoustic brightness and bluntly refuses to be anything other than a blank canvas.
21. Do you remember when everyone got a bit tired of electronic clutter and went unplugged and acoustic?
22. Yet lexical access stands in the same relation to these levels as the acoustic front end stands to lexical access.
23. At a photo-session violinist Nigel Kennedy would initially only pose with a one-stringed acoustic guitar.
24. Their supporting act was a guy dressed in black playing acoustic guitar.
25. Buckingham used his Takamine for a lot of the acoustic parts, but various electrics and other acoustic guitars were also employed.
26. Musically - forget it, but the spot effects are great and make up for the poor acoustic tones.
27. That is, 4,000 x 4,000 words have to be checked against the acoustic, phonological and syntactic constraints.
28. The 11 sinuously blended songs of ambient texture and acoustic sensitivity are striking and pure, with a confessional intensity.
29. The Western Electric system was thoroughly thought out, with a performance exceeding acoustic cutters by two-and-a-half octaves and almost unlimited amplification.
30. I look forward to hearing them again in a more lively acoustic.
More similar words: acousticsrusticjusticeinjusticedo justicea couple ofjustifyoustjustifiedcombustioncousinousterexhaustiveexhaustingexhaustionraucousviscousstickaugustiniancourteousmysticstickyraucouslycourageouseristicplasticstick tostick outjustificationmajestic
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