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Bonhomie in a sentence

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Sentence count:30Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: on holidaypigeonholehomicideon handmienstymiepremierpremiereMeaning: ['bɒnɒmiː]  n. a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to). 
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1. They were relaxed and full of bonhomie.
2. There was a casual bonhomie between the actors at rehearsals.
3. He was full of bonhomie.
4. The atmosphere of bonhomie was suddenly gone.
5. At the negotiating table, however, bonhomie did not apply.
6. The misplaced bonhomie, the unchecked schoolboy enthusiasm that Edward distrusted in him, was tightly reined.
7. Even so, a spirit of close cooperation and bonhomie was generated, contributing much to the success of the Workshop.
8. Watching him, Riven felt the return of bonhomie and contemplated touching Madra's hair next time she came round.
9. But despite all the bonhomie about career breaks in the Nogales maquilas, Colantuoni says one thing is clear.
10. Her voice was breathless with bonhomie when she answered the telephone, with an undertone of throatiness that David found attractive.
11. Still, an enforced bonhomie has set the tone for this visit, with Mr Hu planning a spot of convivial ping-pong.
12. Amid all the bonhomie[], both hosts and guests are emphasising how keen they are to stop Iran getting nuclear weapons.
13. But behind the bonhomie and poems of friendship, China's relationship with its impoverished southeastern neighbor and erstwhile ally formerly known as Burma is deeply troubled.
14. For all the bonhomie now, past hopes for “future-oriented” relations have often been frustrated.
15. But will all this bonhomie—both contrived and genuine—really change anything?
16. That bonhomie is perhaps most clearly felt by the city’s artists.
17. Such bonhomie has endeared him to colleagues, clients and analysts since his days as Total’s chief for the Middle East in the 1990s.
18. Horsley just smiled, his large relaxed frame and confident bonhomie contrasting sharply with the abrupt style of the little self-made Geordie.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. Few can help but be enthused by his confidence, common sense, and bonhomie.
20. He was short, a little overweight, more than a little rubicund as to his features and exuded an aura of cheerful bonhomie.
21. Jamie by nature is a cheerful soul, but somehow his bonhomie conjured a shadow.
22. Beer and whisky flowed freely, amid much back-slapping and bonhomie.
23. They sat on folding chairs around a plywood table, drinking brown beer until they had achieved a state of alcoholic bonhomie.
24. It is another opportunity to promote sales and to entertain customers, and bonhomie is the order of the day.
25. If Emerson actually held it, one might trace a line from him down to the sloppy bonhomie of such a work as Saroyan's The Time of Your Life.
26. And I vividly remember that the weekend he was born our mutual friends were in a field near Cambridge, enjoying the bands and bonhomie.
27. And even then, it unified a wide range of South Africans who, now that the tournament has ended, don't want to give up the nationalist bonhomie for the income inequality that stratified them before.
28. Some compensate by disguise, affecting the accent , posture , and bonhomie of the well - bred.
29. And I vividly remember that the weekend he was born our mutual friends were in a field near Cambridge, enjoying the bands and bonhomie. I texted them the good news.
30. Obama and Bush, determined to put on a show of goodwill, shook hands and gave all the appearance of bonhomie.
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