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Beloved in a sentence

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Sentence count:253+13Posted:2017-02-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: darlingdeardearesthoneyloveloved oneSimilar words: hit below the beltbelowbelonglibelousbelong tolovebelongingloverMeaning: [bɪ'lʌvd]  n. a beloved person; used as terms of endearment. adj. dearly loved. 
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121. Jealousy is that pain which a man feels from the apprehension that he is not equally beloved by the person whom he entirely loves. Joseph Addison 
122. I imagine him marching-no, swanning-around the streets of his beloved Manchester as he talks to me.
123. As far as I can remember it has always been a hot one, in that season beloved of medieval lyricists.
124. With a triumphant belch, the train came to a stop and soon from a first-class carriage the beloved figure emerged.
125. Thou art the third light granted to the order of my beloved Francis.
126. At this time, it was great triumph for me to find that Rachel could bear her beloved Jacob no children.
127. But both stayed away from their beloved snowboards and remained healthy this winter.
128. That was the dream of solar sailing,[] so beloved of both scientists and science fiction writers.
129. The projection of triangles Projective geometry evolved out of the geometric perspective, beloved of Renaissance architects, engineers and painters.
130. Why couldn't you break the power of the Treasury and get your beloved Department of Economic Affairs to take off?
131. There was Sophia too, his beloved wife, and even Faustina who was, he felt sure, fiercely Protestant.
132. They go from one set of arms to another, hoping to find that lasting union with the beloved.
133. I merely want to describe the blow that a child can feel on losing a beloved baby-sitter.
134. Joseph Goebbels is the most hated man they have, other than their most beloved leader.
135. One unfortunate maiden after another beloved of the gods had had to kill her child secretly or be killed herself.
136. Contemporary locomotives are carved on their headstones, which also bear nauseating rhyming epitaphs of the kind so beloved by the Victorians.
137. I had done just what she described: married her beloved father and borne his children.
138. I left my beloved profession abruptly in confusion and sadness-I have written of it previously.
139. Beloved heard them as soon as the door banged shut behind her.
140. In Love again, the new beloved was perfect and miraculous.
141. Unfortunately for our beloved Sean Elliott, the Spurs are notoriously soft underachievers come playoff time.
142. Glorious, to walk again across savannah with my beloved.
143. Beloved father see a cherry tree felled, was shocked.
144. My thoughts go out to you, my importable beloved.
145. O my beloved , my sweet Hesperus!
146. Her beloved broach was nowhere to be found.
147. Never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
148. She longs for the early return of her beloved.
149. I am sure to find your beloved pocket watch.
150. Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.
More similar words: hit below the beltbelowbelonglibelousbelong tolovebelonginglovercloveglovein loveall overslovenlymull overfall in loveimprovedit is believed thatlove affairhand in gloveall over againbe in love withfall in love withall over the worldover and overover and over againdivedpavlovianrevivedlive downderived
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