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Authentication in a sentence

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Sentence count:284Posted:2017-04-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: authenticateauthenticatedauthenticauthenticityidentificationdomesticationquantificationprognosticationMeaning: [ɔː‚θentɪ'keɪʃn]  n. 1. a mark on an article of trade to indicate its origin and authenticity 2. validating the authenticity of something or someone. 
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181. The product is "the Chinese government material assigns by the designation the purchase unit", and comprehensively through China "national exempting from inspection product" authentication.
182. In order to provide fast authentication between two nodes in wireless sensor networks, an ID-based key predistribution scheme for wireless sensor networks is proposed.
183. Message authentication guarantees that a transmitted message was not modified en route and the identity of the creator is not misrepresented.
184. The unique number will be put on an identity card which will have biometric authentication, such as fingerprints and photographs.
185. Network security techniques include the authentication authorization, data encryption, access control, safe audit and so on.
186. The properties and structural authentication methods of liensinine are reviewed. The research situation of measurement, extraction and separation methods for liensinine is introduced.
187. Much like authentication with physical tokens, biometric authentication has the limitation that you need to have access to a physical input device in order to be able to authenticate.
188. File server in order to ensure the safety and availability, the need for user authentication, rights management, document storage, document management functions in four areas.
189. This mechanism realizes behaviour trust authentication by using statistical hypothesis test for matching the reading sequence of sensors and statistical characters of the behaviour.
190. NET remote processing does not do authentication or encryption by default.
190. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
191. Flash Security Key is used for authentication and authorization a particular memory area.
192. SAML is a protocol specification to use when two servers need to share authentication information.
193. But the point to note is that in both the factors (of the two-factor authentication), the system makes use of the same underlying security mechanism (SSL/TLS/HTTPS) for network authentication.
194. Single sign-on solutions can be that unified framework for security and authentication, alleviating much of the burden on users, administrators, and developers.
195. Furthermore,( such testification and authentication should be completed by the time legal proceedings are commenced.
196. Past NFS versions did not have this ability and therefore could not negotiate for the quality of protection, data integrity, the requirement for authentication, or the type of encryption.
197. Adding iris scanning biometrics, for example, could enable higher protection when making purchases on mobile phones and would eliminate the need for current password authentication.
198. Ideally, use hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) because it's the most secure.
199. The design of an identification authentication system was introduced based on Combined Public Key (CPK), and a combination of mapping algorithm and key management of multi-scope was given.
200. CA authentication center provides highly intensive encipher algorithm, highly liable security mechanism and management strategy, automatic generating key and certificate management.
201. Principle 5 : Banks should use transaction authentication Methods: That promote non - repudiation and establish accountability fore - banking transactions.
202. ibm-slapdPtaAttrMapping: This required attribute stores the attribute mapping for pass-through authentication.
203. All existing three-party password authentication key exchange protocols need certain encryption system.
204. SSL is a protocol that supports authentication and data encryption.
205. We are an authentication thing because we do not know probably and have done the inclosure again.
206. APF creates an authentication token with the username, password, and other information fetched from the request object.
207. Finally, introduced the design and implement of the three core nodes in the new system, including center management server, communication management server and authentication server.
208. Edit the /etc/pam.conf file to make Telnet, SSH, and rlogin use Kerberos as the authentication module.
209. A cryptographic service provider is an independent software module that performs cryptography algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption.
210. The authentication code is now ready, so you will create the test client project in this section.
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