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Authentication in a sentence

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Sentence count:284Posted:2017-04-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: authenticateauthenticatedauthenticauthenticityidentificationdomesticationquantificationprognosticationMeaning: [ɔː‚θentɪ'keɪʃn]  n. 1. a mark on an article of trade to indicate its origin and authenticity 2. validating the authenticity of something or someone. 
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151. This article mainly presents an Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC/SHA-1) IP core based on the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) architecture with pre-layout synthesis and FPGA verification.
152. Authentication is provided in the form of a service ticket, issued by a trusted authentication service in the domain and encrypted with the target resource manager's secret key.
153. Excepting for customer, merchant and bank, the model introduces an intermediator to process the payment and introduces an authentication organization to authenticate bank, merchant and intermediator .
154. In JSP language, we can fully make use of this SESSION target with built-in language to keep the value of yard of authentication.
155. It is returned to the NAS for an administrator login request after authentication is accepted.
156. Create a new authentication alias, giving it the alias name sfmAlias and the username and password matching the database created.
157. Computer security technology includes mainly: Authentication, Encryption, Access Control, Auditing and so on.
158. Biometric authentication is measuring physical or behavioral characteristics of a human and using these characteristics as a metric for authentication.
159. Disputes surrounding password usage continue to impress upon me the need for mainstream multi - factor authentication.
160. The systems implementing multifactor authentication should make sure that they use different underlying security mechanisms for different factors.
161. CA authentication system is a integrating system, which includes applying, examing, signing and issuing, log-off, updating,[] inquiry of digital certificate.
162. Biometric template cryptographic key cannot be revealed without a successful biometric authentication.
163. Can verify the authentication code and authentication code, the source area is the JSP!
164. Apart from the above-mentioned authentication, CM system also supports single sign-on.
165. LEAP also includes an efficient protocol for local broadcast authentication based on the use of one-way key chains.
166. Based on the important secure primitive, a zero-storage mutual biometric authentication scheme on non-secure channel is presented in this paper.
167. Log in using the authentication code ( there is interference pattern ).
168. You decide to implement secure authentication of users accessing the EXEC mode prompt on the router.
169. Shibboleth system is a distributed system for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries, which provides authentication and access control for resource access between domains.
170. Fix: The Kerberos authentication protocol requires that the clock skew between a server and a client is no greater than 5 minutes.
171. Use any form of authentication required including clear text. Do not encrypt data.
172. One method of how to construct authentication code with subliminal channel of capacity 1 and 2 is given and the case of larger capacity is studied.
173. An authentication provider has to support at least one method of authentication, possibly multiple and it can support single sign-on support as well.
174. There are a number of different types of biometric authentication that are used in real-world systems.
175. The result of experiment show that this algorithm has good robust against JPEG, and frangibility against the familiar attacks, and beseem to selective authentication for image.
176. For public key-based authentication, a user's private key should be owned by that user, readable/writeable by that user, and not readable by anyone else.
177. This little program is used on the JSP login random authentication code, I hope everyone likes.
178. OBJECTIVE : To discuss the significance of GSP authentication of mono - drugstores by joining in the drugstore chain.
179. The third lays emphasis on two special and outstanding rules of evidence of documentary evidence:one is authentication, the other is the best evidence rule.
180. This article uses example code to demonstrate keystroke dynamics for enhancing the security of your applications in authentication and continuous data entry contexts.
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