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Alter ego in a sentence

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Sentence count:24+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: alteralternativeshelteredfiltershelteradulteryfilteringadulterateMeaning: [‚æltər'egəʊ]  n. a very close and trusted friend who seems almost a part of yourself. 
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1. He's my alter ego we go everywhere together.
2. Barry Humphries's alter ego Dame Edna has taken the US by storm.
3. Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.
4. Superman's alter ego was Clark Kent.
5. Clark Kent is Superman's alter ego.
6. Mrs Reagan was widely regarded as the President's alter ego.
7. Straus was Ickes's alter ego a newspaperman, a liberal, a fighter,( a curmudgeon.
8. Margara seems very much the alter ego of her creator.
9. Equally Odette and her alter ego Odile attract the prince less through their enchanted beauty than through their artlessness.
10. He was not much closer to Belafonte, whose alter ego he played in the show.
11. She is, first and foremost, her husband's alter ego.
12. Emmett's cybersex alter ego appears and gives him the courage to be the strong, tough man he dreams of being.
13. Comic - book superheroes have an alter ego, and so do immigrants in the United States.
14. An incorrigible Romeo, Mr. Mays gave his alter ego a Juliet: the sister of a Mexican-American gang member.
15. During the past couple of years, Jerry had practically become his younger alter ego.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. People may even consider their online behaviours to arise from an online alter ego.
17. From another perspective, Dionysus and Pentheus are each other's alter ego.
18. I say: girl, I don't want to know about your mild - mannered alter ego.
19. It is obvious that it is also impossible to demonstrate satisfactorily by ratiocination that the alter ego is a being that aims purposively at ends.
20. Not as thick of a coat you are like Snippy's alter ego.
21. Following in her father's footsteps, Mariliz has created her own alter ego, Lizvamp, who will serve as the campaign's poster girl.
22. The inner hollowness and self-loathing frustration impose Darl an alter ego or a duality , namely, the victimized and the victimizer.
23. Moving hand over hand, Josh floats over to the tank containing his alter ego, the avatar body.
24. Woolf herself was attracted to both men and women, and although her literary alter ego, Mrs.
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