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Alleviation in a sentence

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Sentence count:48Posted:2016-08-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: variationradiationnegotiationallegationassociationappreciationrenunciationcollectionMeaning: [ə‚liːvɪ'eɪʃn]  n. 1. the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced 2. the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance). 
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31. According to China's situation, the behavior of NGOs in poverty alleviation will be evaluated by the Government, the Public, the "Watch-dog" Bodies and the Media.
32. These were the circumstances and the hopes which gradually brought alleviation to Sir Thomas's pain.
33. Responsibilities: Responsible for agriculture, poverty alleviation, nationality, civil affairs and other work.
34. Housing projects are pushed forward in combination with poverty alleviation efforts.
35. Therefore, lucubration of tunnel aerodynamic effect's mechanism and corresponding alleviation measure is very necessary.
36. And the put forward several suggestions involving reform of alleviation system.
37. The cost reduction achieved in this way will benefit patients and the society in burden alleviation.
38. The adrenal cortex hormone treatment may cause the symptom rapid alleviation, the oxyphil to reduce.
39. The Communist membership system has the philanthropic function of poverty alleviation.
40. For alleviation angst, the person can use depressive, projectile, retrorse action, fixed action,[] retrogression to wait for ego of psychological defense mechanism to adjust.
41. This poverty alleviation program concerns people's livelihood . We must be cautious!
42. MT may have important role in the recovery of antioxidase activities alleviation of lipid peroxidation and elimination of free radicals, and protection from injury of hepatocytes.
43. This paper discusses on tax items, tax obligation term, tax basis, tax alleviation and tax management of stock option.
44. Responsibilities : Responsible for agriculture, rural areas, supply and marketing, immigration, township enterprises, poverty alleviation etc.
45. At the same time, notable increases in putrescine and spermidine levels were observed in melatonin-treated cells, which may be responsible for the alleviation of the cold-induced apoptosis.
46. The Dongting Lake form by the river facies, and the main process is the lake facies alluviation and lake-river facies alleviation.
47. After several years' development, the small-amount direct loan in the minority areas of Liaoning Province has played a positive role in poverty alleviation.
48. Choosing suitable poverty alleviation projects and methods for the disabled.
More similar words: variationradiationnegotiationallegationassociationappreciationrenunciationcollectionnationequationzonationdonationnationaloperationformationeducationrelationlocationinflationsummationviolationsensationsituationisolationmigrationlevitycombinationseparationinnovationimmolation
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