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Acquisition in a sentence

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Sentence count:207+5Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accomplishmentacquirementattainmentlearningskillSimilar words: inquisitivepositiontransitionoppositioncompositionacquiescencesituationeditionMeaning: [‚ækwɪ'zɪʃn]  n. 1. the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something 2. something acquired 3. the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge 4. an ability that has been acquired by training. 
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121) A barrage of commercial advertising encourages people to focus on the acquisition and consumption of goods, to be consumers first and citizens second.
122) The control computer accesses data of data acquisition card via I/O and deals with data, and communicates with scenery-view computer by RS-232, sends out control and media play commands timely.
123) Tumour cell hyperplasia increase of activation might is it clone more inferior productions of group and help some inferior group of acquisition among them to soak into, shift ability to result in.
124) Time is important information for fast and direct acquisition of military code, and compression of signal's propagation delay time uncertainty is an effective means for it.
125) The present value method of cash flow has the important function and significance to the investment decision-making, even the Enterprise's merger and acquisition, investment in securities and so on.
126) The upset price for this piece of land 469 million, the same one-price acquisition by Nan Fung.
127) This method not only finishs data acquisition agilely and rightly, but also finishs data cleaning in the same.
128) Based on the acquisition principle of GPS receivers, effect of single frequency interference on GPS C/A code receiver acquisition performance is analyzed.
129) The RS232 interface allows easy adapting of the unit to computerized data acquisition in laboratory studies and semi-automatic production test systems.
130) This paper has analyzed the PN code acquisition performance effects of adaptive narrow-band interference suppression filters in spread-spectrum systems based on detailed theoretical derivation.
131) System adopts starriness patter, and a computer can connect some subsystems of signal acquisition, and a subsystem of signal acquisition can connect different type sensors.
132) The government plans to rescue the original problem is the acquisition of assets.
133) Designed the communication interface between the analytical system and process control computer with digital I/O card, realized the real-time acquisition of strip steel given information.
134) Three component data acquisition with compressional wave source was applied to YC area for predicting fracture reservoir characters.
135) Contributed to the acquisition and Code tracing for the DS spread spectrum com munication systems, this paper presents the scheme of sliding search self-synchronization for a DS system.
136) A new portable lidar ceilometer using technique of fast data acquisition(FDA) of the backscatter signals of aerosol and cloud based on a common singlechip microcontroller was developed.
137) It mainly includes signal acquisition, statistical analysis, time domain analysis, autocorrelation analysis, spectrum analysis, self-power spectrum analysis, etc.
138) An optimum search strategy for PN acquisition, i. e. maximum probability search strategy, is analysed in this paper.
139) The paper presents a general multi-channel bioelectric signal acquisition platform base on USB interface for all kinds of bioelectricity .
140) The technology concerned with laser welding and CCD image acquisition is simply summarized in this paper.
141) Article 9 The State implements a system of paid acquisition of the mining right.
142) The sonic data acquisition and control system is designed for sonic physical experiment system.
143) Under such background, beyond all doubt, the listed shell company acquisition is the shortcut way to enter stock market.
144) In CCD detection the design of driving circuit for high speed CCD is one of the key technologies in successful target acquisition of CCD cameras.
145) Asked if France was in talks to buy Reaper UAVs from the U.S.-based General Atomics, Teisseire said: "All options are being studied for acquisition of medium-altitude, long-endurance UAVs beyond 2015.
146) Selections of acquisition scan methods decide the acquisition performance of a terminal in intersatellite optical communications under the same external conditions and system parameters.
146) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
147) At the end, the author comes up with man - centered vision of the purpose of land acquisition.
148) Results:The decoction of fed purslane United enema colon tissues of mice increased IL-10 and IL-8 can reduce the acquisition and Western Sulfasalazine enteric-coated tablets considerable role.
149) In the production of e-learning resources, the real-time teaching resources acquisition system is employed to digitalize the instructional content.
150) A better method for direct sequence spread spectrum ( DSSS ) receiver to decrease the acquisition time is proposed.
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