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Acquisition in a sentence

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Sentence count:207+5Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accomplishmentacquirementattainmentlearningskillSimilar words: inquisitivepositiontransitionoppositioncompositionacquiescencesituationeditionMeaning: [‚ækwɪ'zɪʃn]  n. 1. the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something 2. something acquired 3. the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge 4. an ability that has been acquired by training. 
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151) Pooling of interest method was inevitability adopted by China's business in share exchange, acquisition and merger, although it is to be abandoned by most other countries, including US.
152) This paper introduces the software and hardware of a remote image acquisition and transmission system based on PSTN.
153) A real-time data acquisition system based on PCI Bus was introduced. The system was designed for single-ring absolute optical shaft encoder.
154) In the paper , we have introduced the acquisition and processing method of three component seismic survey.
155) Acquisition time took 16 - 22 sec with breath - hold.
156) Nokia Siemens Networks said its acquisition of most of Motorola Inc.'s network equipment business will close later than expected, as a Chinese regulator hasn't approved the deal.
157) To the functional model, the design is composed by the data acquisition, the wireless data transmission , the interface of Universal Serial Bus, the device's driver and the application.
158) A low cost, real time turbulence data acquisition system has been developed and successfully operated in the pilot experiment of HEIFE held in a Gobi desert station, August to September of 1988.
159) Professional acquisition of a variety of scrap metals, electronic wires, plastic, chemical waste and obsolete equipment, and other waste materials.
160) The vertical pendulum tiltmeter in Karamay seismic station was transformed digitally with EDAS-3 16 digit data acquisition unit and MDS-2710 data radio.
161) Part of the acquisition of cotton processing enterprise piecemeal acquisitions, seed cotton purchase prices after a marked decline in the near future, larger with cotton farmers fall.
162) IF signal is generated using designed IF signal source. The acquisition simulation is carried out using the programmed algorithm.
163) Acquisition prescription originated from The Roman Law, constructs the traditional prescription system together with negative prescription in civil law system.
164) General Motors represented one end of the spectrum - our company was formed from the acquisition of many smaller companies in what was, 95 years ago, a highly speculative business.
165) The regulation also applies to the acquisition of joint control by a number of companies acting in concert.
166) According to input, the output request has carried on the design to the control system hardware, including data acquisition, man-machine channel design.
167) The award calls for the employee-owned company to provide engineering, information technology and acquisition support to the Commander, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command in Virginia Beach, Va.
168) FIFO(first in first out )and DMA are two primary modes for the high-speed data transfer between the data acquisition(DAQ)equipments and PCs.
169) However, with a capital of the enterprise, it is also cost - effective integration of the acquisition time.
170) AI system is a knowledge process system, it including three questions; they are knowledge representation, knowledge utilization and knowledge acquisition.
171) Regarding the legal effect of coercive auction, this thesis holds the point that the vendee gains the ownership of original acquisition through auction owing to it's public law nature.
172) The total system includes the data acquisition part and pretreatment part.
173) Government through concessional terms to land in land premium for land acquisition compensation implied complement to the performance of land development in the long run bring receipts or jobs.
174) Conclude and analyze the causation of error lock of carrier frequency acquisition .
175) C 51 - chip microcomputer system with - time acquisition and control of temperature is the main contents of the design.
176) If your website resembles the rank with long good acquisition, the quality of retrorse link can compare an amount more important, increase retrorse link,[] had better search have relevant degree close.
177) In the initiation phase, a pilot symbol sequence designed is capitalized to assure frame-level acquisition and pulse-level tracking.
178) This article mainly studies the V-FAX facsimile machine the data acquisition module.
179) One from Autodesk about their acquisition of Instructables – a popular online community where people can upload, discuss, rate and collaborate on a wide variety of do-it-yourself (DYI) projects.
180) Acquisition of data on animal activity and generation of zeitgeber were modularized to meet the multiple requirements of experiment.
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