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Acceleration in a sentence

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Sentence count:200+3Posted:2017-05-01Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: decelerationretardationSimilar words: acceleratecelebrationtolerationdecelerateoperationoperationsiterationacculturationMeaning: [æk‚selə'reɪʃn]  n. 1. an increase in rate of change 2. the act of accelerating; increasing the speed 3. (physics) a rate of increase of velocity. 
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61. Finally he hooks his belt on to the Doom Diver Catapult and braces himself for sudden acceleration.
62. Either way, the speed and acceleration is not going to set the world on fire.
63. The result could be engine roughness during acceleration, loss of power, and, in some cases, stalling.
64. Acceleration two up, with half tanks, was smooth and sure and the aircraft left the ground at about 30 knots.
65. The Quattro offers excellent braking and acceleration after warming up.
66. Notice that one frame in free fall can have a very different velocity and acceleration from another such frame.
67. She knew Guy could feel the sudden acceleration of her pulse,[] but she could do nothing to stop the traitorous throbbing.
68. The only cars which could match the acceleration of the Ferraris were the Shelby Cobras and Aston Martins.
69. The rapid acceleration of prices was the result of the interaction of a number of developments.
70. You were sitting in your seat, pressed back by the acceleration, and you saw the light beams curve.
71. Truth is, the two cars are just about equally matched when it comes to acceleration in each gear.
72. The Impact has been praised by road testers for its quick acceleration and responsive handling despite its limited range.
73. The acceleration by Earth's gravity acts on asteroids falling through the atmosphere.
74. Her acceleration took her towards these beams[], so they would have less distance to travel than normal.
75. However, the parallel between a linear acceleration and gravitation is conceptually simpler.
76. The acceleration of a major cost reduction exercise initiated in 1991 and an active portfolio re-focusing programme helped to limit losses.
77. This was causing concern over a possible acceleration in deforestation in the region as a whole.
78. Ride, acceleration and handling: Triple aces in all the right places.
79. But over the last decade there has been a rapid acceleration in this type of transaction.
80. A centrifuge with slow acceleration/deceleration and providing 200 g is desirable for handling cells made into suspensions.
81. But there is nothing to provide that centripetal acceleration.
82. There is no acceleration in the x direction.
83. This force is responsible for the ball's acceleration.
84. The acceleration finally began to tail off.
85. The second time derivative is the constant acceleration.
86. As with much else in modern physics, the idea involves particle acceleration, the kind of thing that goes on in the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.
87. Abstract: The study of constant acceleration test was presented, and the problems in test were discussed.
88. Acceleration along each axis is reported directly by the hardware as G-force values.
89. When the coach running on the transitional curve, the residual nonbaknced inertial force is held off through the centrifugal acceleration feedback.
90. It'starts from rest and falls vertically downward with uniform acceleration.
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