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Acceleration in a sentence

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Sentence count:200+3Posted:2017-05-01Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: decelerationretardationSimilar words: acceleratecelebrationtolerationdecelerateoperationoperationsiterationacculturationMeaning: [æk‚selə'reɪʃn]  n. 1. an increase in rate of change 2. the act of accelerating; increasing the speed 3. (physics) a rate of increase of velocity. 
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31. Maintaining a given velocity round a curve requires acceleration towards the centre of curvature.
32. If the amount of acceleration depends on how hard you push and how heavy the barrow is.
33. More than sufficient to ensure spectacular acceleration, even in high gear.
34. A spinning cylinder generates lift in direct proportion to the acceleration it imparts on the air streaming by.
35. But London won enough of the ball for Carling to display his acceleration and his priceless ability to time a pass.
36. The answer is C acceleration. as far away as and four times the lunar mass.
37. The acceleration is sensational and very similar to taking off in a piston-engined aircraft with open cockpit.
38. The software-intensive control scheme provides accurate and detailed timing of step intervals during acceleration and deceleration.
39. Eliminating F from the last two equations gives the acceleration.
40. Under harder acceleration it intrudes, finishing up as a deep,[] rough-edged sounding beat at full throttle.
41. Further change reinforced by acceleration of women's real wage growth led to a further decline after 1970.
42. During a quake of magnitude 6.1 on 20 February 1990[], ground acceleration was measured at 10 percent of gravity.
43. Flight whirring; can rocket upwards with remarkable acceleration when startled, though often prefer to run.
44. Corresponding to the dramatic acceleration in the stock of money was an equally dramatic acceleration in the rate of inflation.
45. Changes in samples stored at elevated temperatures represent acceleration of changes occurring at room temperature.
46. The tsar responded immediately to Valuev's call for the acceleration of the reform of the courts.
47. If the warhead is delivered by artillery, the stresses of acceleration may kill the germs.
48. Looking ahead, bankers do not foresee any acceleration of loan growth.
49. How can the supply voltage and consequently the phase current - be increased during acceleration or deceleration?
50. With tyres shrieking under acceleration the driver went after the disappearing car.
51. The L-4, even with automatic, provides more than adequate acceleration and is possessed of good road manners.
52. Now if we wish to use Newtonian mechanics we must relate velocity and acceleration to the same particle.
53. The horse finds balance by bringing his hocks underneath him and also uses this means for brakes and acceleration.
54. In the longer run a policy choice which involved positive inflation would lead to an acceleration in the rate of inflation.
55. This probability is lowest when based on short tests under conditions of high acceleration.
56. The driver seemed as concerned to show off his excessive acceleration as if we had been prospective buyers and he a salesman.
57. Besides the over-abundance of grease, pores can also become blocked by dead skin cells through an acceleration in cell production.
58. Not just the thrill of all that acceleration, all that speed, all that flying water.
59. Those exceptional losses mask an acceleration in our underlying recovery during the third quarter.
60. These subtle curves encourage air to flow under the board which gives extra lift and better acceleration.
More similar words: acceleratecelebrationtolerationdecelerateoperationoperationsiterationacculturationoperationaldesperationvenerationfederationalterationlacerationgenerationliberationcooperationAND operationexonerationalliterationexasperationvituperationenumerationdeliberationobliterationcommiserationexaggerationregenerationincarcerationremuneration
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