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Acceleration in a sentence

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Sentence count:200+3Posted:2017-05-01Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: decelerationretardationSimilar words: acceleratecelebrationtolerationdecelerateoperationoperationsiterationacculturationMeaning: [æk‚selə'reɪʃn]  n. 1. an increase in rate of change 2. the act of accelerating; increasing the speed 3. (physics) a rate of increase of velocity. 
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91. Based on above analysis, a acceleration estimation method based on Radon Wigner Transform(RWT) is proposed.
92. It can provide plenteous data, and provide reference for design of cushioning package with maximum acceleration, static stress and cushion coefficient.
93. It focuses on parameter measurement for constant acceleration overdamped coil type geophones.
94. However, remember the principle of deceleration - acceleration is working here.
95. The displacement spectrum Velocity spectrum and acceleration spectrum can be employ as design criteria in dynamic response analysis of structures.
96. Because the craft is excluded from the planetary gravity,[sentencedict .com] the crafts are capable of fantastic acceleration and sharp turns in high speed without the crew inside the craft feeling any G-force effects.
97. Through measuring coriolis acceleration by a centrifuge and an accelerometer, the azimuthal angle can be identified.
98. So questions over acceleration, relocation of resources and resequencing are all inherent and accounted for in the as-built programme.
99. Constant acceleration start way is suggested by controlling the current phases.
100. Catches an illness the flowering branch to have the mutual infectiousness , but died of old age the flowering branch is easy to have the ethylene acceleration deterioration.
101. According to the airflow tilt angle sensitive element and its output feature, a mathematic model on restraining acceleration interference is built.
102. The waist musculi abdominis lack of strengthextends the hip speed slow immediate cause. (5) The center of gravity acceleration is affects the recovery rate the key aspect.
103. To improve the efficiency of functional verification, this paper presents two efficient acceleration techniques: self-verification and co-simulation of mixed model.
104. A new method of using high-speed camera in acceleration test of packaging drop and analysis is introduced.
105. A new method to determine mechanical efficiency of diesel engine by acceleration deceleration method under non external load is proposed.
106. That gravity and acceleration through space produce identical physical effects is the remarkable assertion of the principle of Equivalence.
107. A set of acceleration test system of elbow-bar framework is founded for the material test of MW1050 automatic blocking die-cutter while it is load-off or not.
108. Our country is being in urbanized the acceleration period, the environment question which the city faces is day by day prominent, the city natural ecology already received the enormous destruction.
109. With the continuous development of urban economy and acceleration of motorization process(, the problems of urban traffic are becoming more and more serious.
110. An acceleration of bone loss begins along with estrogenic deficiency after menopause.
111. Structural damage identification based on the residual error calculated by using acceleration data in time domain is studied here.
112. And that centripetal acceleration D is a must for this object to reach that point D.
113. The maximum force increases with the coil axial length increase, given the fixed coil diameters. The acceleration of armature reaches its maximum when the axial length of coils is short is short.
114. It has higher antioxidant activity , remarkable acceleration of fermentation and is also a very effective ACE inhibitor.
115. A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property.
116. In this paper, two concepts—spacecraft materials outgassing acceleration test and acceleration factor are described.
117. Constant acceleration of globalization has brought about greater demand for highly qualified professional translators.
118. It also shows the effect of earthquake acceleration coefficient on dimensionless stabilizing force is remarkable, especially under high earthquake acceleration coefficients.
119. The same frequency simple harmonic oscillation synthesis speed and the acceleration computational method is basic theories to study the ultrasonic wave.
120. Maintenance-free brushless drive motor with frequency inversion, has high start torque and short acceleration time.
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